When he accidentally calls you his girlfriend | Heeseung

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"What do you mean you won't be able to attend the party? Heeseung, you can't bail on me." You lean against the counter, watching Heeseung make coffee for one of the customers, probably not even aware of your distress. Heeseung glances up from the coffee machine, his expression apologetic.

"I know, I know," he sighs, setting down the steaming cup on the counter. "I really wanted to go, but my coworker just informed me that they're unable to cover my shift, and I can't leave the shop short-staffed."

Your frustration deepens at the news. "Why can't he cover your shift?"

"He's taking his girlfriend on a date so he can't swap with me-"

"Just because it's his girlfriend, he gets special treatment?" you interrupt, eyebrows raised in disbelief. "I get it, I'm only your best friend, but can't you at least try to find someone else to cover for you? You know how much I've been looking forward to it."

He rubs the back of his neck and you know very well that's starting to get frustrated. "I've tried asking around, but everyone else has plans or their own shifts to cover. It's just bad timing, and I can't leave the shop hanging like that."

You let out a frustrated sigh, crossing your arms. "This is so unfair. It feels like you're always putting work before everything else. You know what? Fine. I will go on my own. I don't even need you."

"Y/N-" He calls out but you're already walking out of the shop and so he runs after you. "Wait."

"Just leave me alone. Go back to the shop, they clearly need you more than I do," you snap, not bothering to turn around as you march away from the coffee shop.

"Do you think I haven't tried convincing my coworkers and finding a replacement?" His voice grows more desperate and frustrated as he catches up to you. "Believe me, I've done everything I could. But sometimes things just don't work out the way we want them to-"

"But it worked for your coworker who's now taking his girlfriend on a date, didn't it? He probably had been planning for it because he cares and actually wanted to make it happen," You retort, still feeling hurt and disappointed. "I'm just your backup plan, aren't I? When it comes to choosing between work and our plans, I always end up losing."

Heeseung's expression falls, and he takes a step back, as if your words physically wounded him. "Y/N, that's not true."

"But it looks like it." The way you snap at him is sharp, filled with the bitterness of disappointment and frustration.

"Why are you so..." His voice trails off, and he pushes his tongue against the inside of his cheek, searching for the right words.

You fold your arms, your frustration still lingering. "So what, Heeseung? Just say it. So sensitive? So easily hurt? Because you don't see me as-" Now, it's your turn to push your words out, but you stop yourself before saying something that might cost you more than you intend. "Nevermind. I'm leaving."

With that, you take a step back and another, until you're walking away from Heeseung who's now watching you with a pained expression, his lips parted as if he wants to say something but can't find the right words.

The reason why you're upset, frustrated even, is because this isn't the first time it feels like Heeseung has prioritized something else over your plans. You still remember that one time when he promised the two of you would go to a concert together, but he had to cancel last minute because his friend was hospitalized. Then there was the weekend getaway you had planned, only for him to back out because his other friend asked him to take care of his dog while he was away.

Each time, he had a valid reason, and you tried to be understanding. But deep down, it hurt. It felt like he was constantly choosing something else over you, like your time together wasn't as important as his other commitments.

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