When you make up after a fight | Maknae Line

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You sit in the playground where you and your childhood friend, now your boyfriend, used to spend countless hours playing games, sharing secrets, and falling in love.

Yet now, you're alone with your thoughts after the two of you had a fight. The once familiar surroundings, which used to bring you comfort, now seem hollow and colorless.

"Idiot..." You mutter under your breath, your voice barely louder than a whisper, as you absentmindedly trace your fingers along the rusted chains of the swings.

"Who's an idiot?" A familiar voice breaks through the heavy silence. Startled, you turn your head to find him standing there, a faint smile on his face.

"Well, you, for one," You reply with a touch of mock annoyance, then you sigh. "and maybe me too."

He walks closer, his footsteps crunching softly on the gravel path. "Maybe we're both idiots. But at least we're idiots in love," he says, his smile growing warmer as he approaches.

Sunoo reaches out to take your hand while crouching down in front of you. You don't pull your hand away as he gently traces his thumb along the back of your hand.

"I hate fighting with you," He admits, his voice soft and sincere. "I hate seeing you upset even more."

The anger you felt starts to dissolve, replaced by a longing for things to go back to the way they were, when the playground was a place of happiness and laughter, not hurt and silence.

"Me too," You reply, your voice catching in your throat. "I don't want us to fight like this."

"We won't. I'm sorry for being mean to you. Sometimes words just slip out, and I regret them instantly. But you mean the world to me, and I should never forget that."

The world may have seemed colorless and hollow just moments ago, but now, with him by your side, it's as if the playground is slowly coming back to life.


"I hate him." You whisper to yourself while pacing back and forth in your room, thinking about the fight with your boyfriend. It wasn't even worth fighting over but the way he got annoyed and acted so indifferent just pushed your buttons.

Your mind replays the argument like a broken record, each hurtful word and raised voice cutting deeper with each repetition.

When you hear a notification chime from your phone, your heart skips a beat, hoping it might be a message from him. You quickly grab your phone and unlock it to find his name on the notification bar.

Can we talk? I'm outside your house. Upon reading his text, you quickly peek out the window and find him standing there, just outside your house, looking unsure and somewhat vulnerable under the dim glow of the streetlights.

Pushing your anger and frustration apart, you rush downstairs and fling the front door open. The chilly night air rushes in, but you barely notice as you step out to face him.

But without saying a word, he steps forward and pulls you into a warm embrace. If you could purr like a contented cat, you would. The familiar scent of his cologne and the gentle rise and fall of his chest against yours are comforting reminders of the love he has for you.

"I'm sorry, sunshine. I hate that we fought like that." He whispers, his breath warm against your shoulder. "I hate that I made you feel this way."

Your anger, as well as your hurt, continues to dissolve in his embrace and the gentle words he speaks.

Neither of you is perfect and you know. And that's perhaps what matters the most, the fact that you make mistakes and still find your way into each other's arms.


"What are you doing here?" You sigh out of frustration when you find Niki, your boyfriend, sitting against a tree near the basketball field. "You know I come here to read."

You love him, but after the fight the two of you had last night, you needed some space to clear your head. But now, there he was, Niki, looking dejected as he gazed up at you with those puppy-dog eyes.

"I know," He says, looking down. "Can't you just ignore my presence and just read your book?"

The gentle breeze rustles the leaves above, carrying with it the scent of freshly cut grass. You watch as Niki fidgets with a blade of grass, his nervousness evident in his every movement.

You silently sit down on the grass, leaning against the other side of the tree. The awkward silence stretches between you, broken only by the distant sounds of a basketball bouncing and laughter from the nearby court.

Your book lies open in your lap, its pages fluttering slightly in the breeze, but you can't seem to concentrate on the words.

"I'm sorry," You hear him say, his voice barely audible above the rustling leaves yet it still makes your heart skip a beat. "About last night. I shouldn't have said those things."

"Do you really mean it?" You finally speak after a long pause. "After everything you said?"

"You're my first love, Y/N," He says and you find yourself smiling faintly. "I know sometimes I mess up, and sometimes I don't know how to express myself properly. But if I was so damn sure about one thing, it's that I love you more than anything in this world. And I don't want to lose you because of my stupid mistakes."

You turn around and peek at him while he looks at you with pleading eyes and you realize that you can never really stay mad at him for long. No matter what happens, he'll always be the one who holds your heart. 

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