When your academic rival secretly likes you | Jungwon

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"What are you looking at?" You look up from your textbooks and at Jungwon who's sitting across from you.

He leans against his chair and the corner of his lips curls up in a sly smile. It's almost as if he's daring you to admit that he's successfully distracted you from your studies once again.

"I'm trying to distract you." He confesses, his voice laced with a mischievous tone that you've come to recognize all too well. His dark hair falls slightly into his eyes, and he sweeps it away with an effortlessly casual gesture.

Rolling your eyes, you let out an exasperated sigh. "Don't you have anything better to do than bother me?"

"Come on, now, admit it. We both know that a little friendly competition is what keeps us both at the top of our game."

You cross your arms, giving him a skeptical look. "Friendly competition? More like you trying to throw me off balance every chance you get."

"It's working. Look at how riled up you are right now."

You pause, realizing that he might have a point. He does manage to get under your skin in a way that no one else does. "You're annoying."

Turning your attention back to your textbooks, you feel him lean in a little closer. "It's cute how determined you are to beat me in everything."

"Can't you just leave me alone?"

"Where's the fun in that? Besides, it's our thing, you know? Pushing each other to excel."

You try to ignore the way his presence is making it hard to concentrate. "I could excel just fine without your 'help'."

"Wanna bet?" He raises his eyebrow as you grab a nearby pencil and throw it at him. "Why so serious? Come on."

You groan, leaning back in your chair and rubbing your temples. "Fine. What's your bet?"

"Whoever loses has to buy the winner a fancy coffee from that new cafe downtown," Jungwon smirks, leaning back with a self-assured grin.

"Just say you want to go on a date with me." Your words make him shrug and you roll your eyes.

"I mean that's what I wanted to ask for, but I thought coffee would be more subtle." The way he admits it with a playful glint in his eyes makes your heart skip a beat and you're not sure if you want to throw something else at him or just give in and agree to the bet.

"Smooth, Jungwon, real smooth," You reply, unable to hide a smile. "Sure, I'm in. But don't expect that coffee too soon, because I intend to win."

Jungwon chuckles, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the edge of the table. "No doubt, but Y/N, that victory coffee will be mine."

One week is left before the exam and you've been studying nonstop to secure every possible advantage. Countless of textbooks, formulas and coffee cups lay on your desk while the faint glow of your laptop screen illuminates your face.

You'll win the bet no matter what and Jungwon will have to buy that victory coffee. You smile at the thought, shaking your head right away as if to dismiss any thoughts about him.

Everything about him infuriates you. His perfect smile, his dimples and the way his eyes seem to light up whenever he manages to get under skin.

Rolling your eyes, you make your way back to class after a five minute break that you squeezed in between your study session, only to find Jungwon looking through your bag.

You stop in your tracks, irritation bubbling up. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Jungwon looks up, seemingly unperturbed by your anger. "Just making sure you're not hiding any secret formulas in there. Can't let you cheat your way to victory."

Your frustration boils over, and you slam your bag down on the desk, glaring at him. "You seriously think I need to cheat to beat you? Are you that insecure?"

Annoyance crosses his features as his brows furrow. "Oh yeah? Is that why you always score second?"

Your jaw tightens, the words stinging more than he intended. "Excuse me?" You hiss, your voice dripping with disbelief and fury.

Jungwon's lips tighten, his jaw clenched. "You heard me. If you're so confident, why haven't you managed to beat me yet?"

Your fingers curl into tight fists, your nails digging into your palms as you struggle to keep your temper in check. "You know, Jungwon, for someone who's so desperate to be at the top, you sure seem to cling to that number one spot as if it's the only thing validating your existence."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Maybe you're scared that if you're not first, you'll realize there's not much else to you." A bitter smile tugs at your lips when he clenches his jaw. "You're the one who made this personal so don't act all innocent now."

You watch while he takes a step back and storms out of the class, leaving you with the bitter taste of your own harsh words.

You grab your bag only to find a strawberry milk bottle tucked inside. You didn't buy any strawberry milk and the realization hits you, making you pause in your tracks. Jungwon wasn't looking through your bag, he only put the bottle inside it.

"Shit..." Regret washes over you, and you find yourself sinking onto a nearby chair. With a sigh, you reach for the strawberry milk bottle, your fingers wrapping around it as you twist off the cap.

How did he know it's your favorite? The question echoes in your mind as you take a thoughtful sip from the bottle.

You decide to apologize to him on the day the exam results since you have a feeling you'll score second again. You're not so scared of losing the bet anymore.

But on the day of the exam results, the announcement begins, and the exam results are displayed on the board. But his name isn't first and neither is yours. Your name is second and his name is third.

When you turn to look at him, his arms are folded across his chest and he's staring at you. And before you know it, he walks to you, grabs your hand and pulls you out of the classroom.

He comes to a stop in a secluded corner of the hallway, away from the bustling crowds. He releases your hand, his gaze meeting yours. "I thought-"

"I'm sorry." You interrupt, the words tumbling out of your mouth before he can finish his sentence. "For what I said. I didn't really mean it. And... thank you for the strawberry milk."

Jungwon lets out a sigh, hesitantly taking a step closer. "And I'm sorry too. I let this bet turn into something ugly. I never meant for it to hurt you. It was supposed to be fun."

"Speaking of the bet, neither of us scored first." You say with a small smile. "What about the victory coffee?"

"Well, you scored higher so I'll take you on a date." He leans against the wall and smirks playfully. "I guess that's how the bet ends, huh?"

"Yeah," You shrug. "It seems that way."

"Plus, we have another competition now. Jiwon is first." He raises his eyebrow, eyes still fixed on you. "We don't want him to have all the glory, do we?"

You let out a genuine laugh at his comment. "We can't let him steal the spotlight."

Jungwon extends his hand for you to take, his dimples showing as his playful expression turns into something warmer and more sincere. "Instead of academic rivals, what about partners in crime?"

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