When they call you 'good girl' | Hyung Line

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You're in the kitchen cooking dinner together with Heeseung when you decide to take the lead on making the salad.

You happened to cut your finger once while making it and since then you've been afraid of cutting anything. Heeseung was worried when it happened so he's content watching you go past that fear.

As you chop the vegetables and toss them together, Heeseung watches you with admiration. When you're done, you turn to see him smiling so widely at you.

"Good girl."

You feel your heart skip a beat at his words and your cheeks heat up. You can't help but feel like a child being praised for doing something right. And it feels so healing.

"What?" You ask, your voice barely above a whisper.

Heeseung chuckles softly and takes your hand, pulling you closer to him. "I'm just proud of you," he says, looking into your eyes. "You've come so far since that day."

You can feel your heart beating faster in your chest as you look up at him. You know that he's right, but it still feels a little strange to hear him say it like that.

"I know," You smile shyly. "It just feels a little weird to hear you say that."

Heeseung leans in and kisses you softly, his lips brushing against yours. "Well, get used to it," he whispers. "Because you're amazing, and I'm going to keep telling you that every chance I get."


You've been struggling with a particularly difficult project for hours. It's frustrating how the moment you think you're done, you find that it still needs work.

The moment you're about to give up, Jay walks into the room, a worried look on his face. "Love, perhaps you should take a break?"

"No, I should finish this first." You give him a quick bitter smile before you look back at your screen.

You feel as if you don't deserve to rest until you're done and Jay doesn't like that. He knows how much of a perfectionist you are and sometimes it just gets to the point where you push yourself too hard.

"Come here, look at me." He turns you towards him, trapping you between his legs as he sits in front of you. "You should really rest. Look at you, you're exhausted."

His words dawn on you and you feel all the exhaustion rush through you. "I am." You smile a little, closing your eyes when he leans to kiss your forehead.

"You deserve to rest, hm?" He cups your face and smiles at you.

"Okay." You nod.

"Good girl." You feel your cheeks heat up at his words. It's not the first time he's called you that, but the way he says it, with such sincerity and care, makes your heart flutter.

You smile, wrapping your arms around him as you realize that you don't have to be perfect all the time. Especially when Jay is around.


You stand at the doorway of the apartment, eagerly waiting for Sunghoon to arrive. You had spent the entire day preparing for your special date night, and you couldn't wait to see the smile on his face when he sees what you planned.

Just as you're lost in thought, you hear a knock at the door. Your heart flutters with excitement, knowing that it's Sunghoon.

So you quickly make your way to the door and open it, revealing Sunghoon standing there with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a beautiful smile on his face.

He looks good. "Hey, beautiful."

"Hey." You reply, feeling a little tongue-tied at the compliment.

Sunghoon steps closer, handing you the bouquet of flowers and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. "These are for you. I know how much you love these flowers, so I wanted to make sure you had them for tonight."

"Thank you." Your eyes soften as you stare at the flowers in admiration. "I wore the dress you got me. How is it?"

"Give me a twirl." You giggle at his request but do as he asks, spinning around in your dress. The fabric flares out around you, and you can feel Sunghoon's eyes on you, drinking in the sight of you.

"Good girl."

You pause mid-twirl, feeling a warm sensation spread through your chest at Sunghoon's words. You turn to face him, your heart pounding in your chest. "What?"

"I said 'good girl'," He repeats, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You look stunning in that dress. I'm a lucky guy to have you as my date tonight."


Jake had just finished cooking dinner for the two of you, and as you sit down at the table, Layla, Jake's dog, comes trotting over to join you.

"Good girl," Jake says, scratching behind Layla's ears as she wags her tail happily.

You can't help but smile at them. You had always found it endearing how Jake treats Layla like a member of the family.

But Jake? He notices the way you're looking at him and Layla, and he grins. "What, you jealous?" He teases, nudging you playfully.

You roll your eyes and laugh. "No, I'm not jealous. I just love seeing the way you two interact. It's adorable."

"Well, she's pretty easy to love," He says, looking down at Layla, who is now resting her head on his lap. "But she's got nothing on my favorite girl."

You feel your heart skip a beat at his words. "And who might that be?" You ask, playfully batting your eyelashes.

Jake leans in closer to you, his voice low and intimate. "You, of course," he says, his eyes locked on yours. "You're the only one who can make my heart skip a beat like this."

You feel a warmth spread through your chest at his words, and you can't help but lean in closer to him. "Well, I'll have to work on making your heart skip a few more beats then," you say, a mischievous glint in your eye.

Jake's eyes light up with amusement, and he shakes his head in mock disbelief. "Oh, I have no doubt you'll succeed in that mission," he says, his tone teasing. "My good girl."

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