When he finds out you have cancer | Jay

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The papers shake in your trembling hands as you read the words again and again. The tears stream down your face, blurring the ink on the pages. It feels as though the world around you has come crashing down, and you find it hard to comprehend the magnitude of what you've just read.

The words, so cold and final, strike at the very core of your being.

The diagnosis hits you like a ton of bricks. Cancer. The word replays through your mind, echoing with dread and overwhelming fear.

It grips your heart, its icy fingers tightening their hold with every passing second. How did this happen? How did your life take such an unexpected turn? The questions swirl in your mind, seeking answers that seem elusive in the face of this cruel reality.

You try to make sense of it all, searching for a reason, a cause, something to hold onto in the midst of the chaos.

You mourn the life you had before, the innocence of a time when the word "cancer" was merely a distant concept. You mourn the plans and dreams that now feel uncertain.

What would Jay, your boyfriend of two years, say? How would you even tell him?

You think of him, his warm smile and the way his eyes light up when he sees you. The thought of shattering his world with this devastating news fills you with an indescribable ache.

How can you burden him with the knowledge of your own mortality? How can you bear to see the light fade from his eyes, replaced by the shadows of grief and despair?

Your phone rings and your heart skips a beat as Jay's name flashes on your screen, momentarily distracting you from the overwhelming thoughts that consume your mind.

With trembling hands, you reach for the phone, your palms moist. Your heart skips a beat as Jay's name flashes on your phone screen, momentarily distracting you from the overwhelming thoughts that consume your mind.

With trembling hands, you reach for the phone, your palms moist.

"Hey," You manage to say, though your voice lacks the usual warmth and enthusiasm.

"Hey, love." Jay's voice resonates through the line. "Are you okay?"

His words pierce through your fragile defenses, threatening to unleash the chaos of emotions you've been desperately trying to contain. "Yeah."

As the days turn into weeks, the guilt festers within you like a malignant tumor, growing and spreading its toxic tendrils through your every thought.

Each passing moment feels like a betrayal, yet, the fear of hurting Jay, of watching him crumble, keeps you locked in this painful charade. You convince yourself that your silence is an act of selflessness, a sacrifice made out of love. But deep down, you know that this facade is crumbling, leaving only emptiness in its wake.

One late evening, as you sit alone in your dimly lit room, the walls close in around you, suffocating and oppressive. You clutch at your chest as if trying to quell the pounding of your heart, but the ache persists.

Tears stream down your face, blurring the world before you. But in the depths of your despair, you find yourself paralyzed by the fear of shattering Jay's world, of tearing apart the fabric of his happiness.

The love you bear for him becomes a double-edged sword, both a source of comfort and a weapon that wounds you with every beat of your faltering heart.

Yet you decide to tell him, even if it means seeing him break down. With trembling hands and a heart so heavy, you dial his number and wait for him to answer. But somehow, the sound of his ringtone is heard from right behind your door and your stomach drops.

Was he home? You quickly make your way out of your bed and open the door, only to find him standing there, his shoulders slumped and his head down low.

"Jay...?" You call out softly, your heart sinking at the sight of him. You reach out and hold his arms, feeling his body tremble at your touch. "What's wrong? What happened?"

He looks up at you, his eyes filled with tears. "T-that can't be true," He stammers, his voice breaking with each syllable. "Please, tell me this is just some sick prank."

"What..." Your voice trails off, realization sinking in. He knows. He knows you've been lying to him. He knows you're leaving him.

"C-cancer?" A heavy silence falls between you, the weight of the word hanging in the air like a dark cloud. Time seems to stand still as he awaits your response.

"I wish it was a prank...but it's not." You take a deep breath as you bite hard on your lip to stop yourself from crying. "I was diagnosed with c-cancer."

His breath catches and if you listen a little more, you'll hear his heart breaking. "This... this can't be happening. This isn't fair."

He shakes his head and runs his fingers through his hair, the tears falling down his cheeks. You never wanted to see him like this. You never wanted to lie to him.

You reach out to him, wanting to erase the pain etched on his face, but he flinches away. "How could you keep this from me? How could you let me believe everything was fine while you were silently suffering?!"

Guilt crashes over you, and you sink to your knees, the realization of the pain you've caused consuming you. "I was s-scared! I'm so sorry I didn't want to see you in p-pain-"

Jay falls down on his knees and his arms wrap around you so tight as he sobs onto your shoulder. "Y/N, please- no..."

Your hands clutch the fabric of his shirt and your whole body trembles with every cry you let out.

His sobs wrack your body as the two of you cling to each other. "Why were you suffering alone, Y/N...? I've always wanted to fight for you... y-you know?"

"I'm sorry..." You say through your sobs, your tears soaking his shirt.

"But now... now you're facing a battle that I can't fight for you. And it tears me apart." His hold tightens around you, and you feel his love enveloping you like a shield against the pain.

"I wish I could shoulder this burden for you, take away your pain, and bear the weight of it on my own shoulders... but I am powerless, Y/N." He breathes, tears streaming down his cheeks as he wipes yours.

He leans in, pressing a gentle kiss against your forehead, trying to infuse his love into every fiber of your being.

Yet you're hurt, but you don't know where the pain comes from.

Perhaps, from everywhere.

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