When you prank them with a fake hickey | Hyung Line

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"Jaemin was here earlier." You say when Heeseung sits on your couch. He asked if the two of you could spend time together and you decided it was the right time to pull a prank.

A risky one, you must say.

The hickey on the side of your neck is still fresh and you know it's going to be the perfect bait. You watch as Heeseung settles down on the couch, his eyes scanning your face.

"What do you mean he was here?" His eyebrows furrow and you gulp. "Why was he here?"

"You see..." You trail off, your fingers tracing the fake hickey on your neck. "Well, we kind of had a little... rendezvous last night."

"What?" He frowns, then his eyes widen, probably when he notices the hickey. "Y/N. Did he do this to you?"

"Yeah. I mean we were both kind of into it so..." You can tell he's jealous and you're more than satisfied with the reaction he's giving you.

Because for as long as you remember, he says he doesn't like you. He tells everyone that you're just a friend when you know he does like you.

Heeseung stands up from the couch and approaches you, making you step back until your back hits the wall. Shit.

You can feel his breath on your skin as he leans in close, his eyes dark with jealousy and anger. "Why would you let him touch you like that?"

"Does it bother you?"

"It does." His grip gently tightens on your waist, his eyes never leaving yours. "You know you're mine, Y/N. Only mine."

His lips are dangerously close and his hot breath on your skin makes you dizzy. "It's a fake hickey, Heeseung."

Before you know it, he closes the distance and crashes his lips against yours.

You know that your little prank has worked. Heeseung's jealousy has made him finally confess his feelings for you, and you're more than willing to reciprocate.

"Don't ever do that." He pulls away, breathless.

"Do what?" You tease, still basking in the afterglow of the kiss.

"Make me jealous like that." Heeseung's lips twitch into a smile, and you know that you've won him over for good.


"Hey," You step inside Sunghoon's apartment, excited and nervous about your whole plan. The scarf on your neck is doing a good job hiding the fake hickey you spent a long time perfecting.

"Hi," He smiles, his eyes smiling too. They always light up whenever his gaze is on you. "Let me carry these for you."

"Oh, I made you some of your favorite dishes. Also, I thought we could spend time together, maybe watch a movie..."

You're hoping he doesn't sense your nervousness because it's today or never. You believe Sunghoon has feelings for you, yet he's scared of making the first move. So today your mission is to make him jealous so that he finally confesses. Hopefully.

"I missed you, actually. You've been busy." You just nod and smile, but he frowns. "Wait, aren't you hot with your scarf?"

You hesitate, trying to come up with a convincing excuse. "I just wanted to try out a new fashion trend."

"Okay...?" He chuckles but it seems he bought your excuse because he doesn't push it further.

You both settle down on the couch with the food you brought and start watching a movie. Sunghoon seems to be enjoying himself, but you can't seem to focus on the movie.

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