When they come back from tour | Hyung Line

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Enhypen had been on tour and you haven't seen your boyfriend for over four months. Heeseung says he misses you a lot and on some video calls, you could hear him sing the songs you love.

The distance had been tough on both of you, but you understand that this tour is a significant moment in their career, and you want to support him wholeheartedly.

However, as the days pass, the longing to see each other grows stronger and the video calls are no longer able to fill the void in your heart.

Until one day, you're sleeping on the couch when you hear the door open. Fear grips your heart for a moment but then you hear familiar footsteps approaching.

"Heeseung...?" You whisper, as if you're not really sure if it's him or just part of your imagination.

"Surprise," Heeseung is standing across from you, with a nervous smile on his face and a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

You rush into his arms, holding him tight, and the next thing you know Heeseung wrapping his arms so tight around you before he starts crying.

His sobs rack through his body as he buries his face in your shoulder.

Stroking his back gently, you reassure him that you're there, that he's back, and that he's not alone. 


Being on tour was never easy for Jay or you. The two of you had to accept the distance and just miss each other for so long. Countless late-night phone calls and video chats became your lifelines, but they could never fully replace the warmth of being in each other's presence.

"When do you think you'll come back?" You ask, listening to his voice from the other line of the call.

"I don't know," He sighs. "Not anytime soon, I guess."

And it goes for what feels like an eternity. The tour's schedule is relentless, taking them from city to city, country to country, and time zones become a constant reminder of the miles that separate you.

One day, as you're taking a walk at night, someone hugs you from behind and you freeze.

But not before recognizing the familiar scent that could only belong to one person - Jay.

Your heart skips a beat as you turn around, and there he stands, exhaustion and excitement in his eyes.

Before you can even form words, he pulls you into a tight embrace, and you cling to him as if he might vanish again at any moment.

"I couldn't stay away any longer," He whispers. "I had to see you."

His body starts trembling and you hear soft sobs escaping him. He buries his face in the crook of your neck and cries harder.

"I missed you so much." You hold him closer, running your fingers gently through his hair. He's exhausted, but he's back and that's all that matters.

You can feel his heartbeat against your chest, and it's all you've been longing for. 


You hate tours, mostly because they keep you apart from the person who means the world to you. Sunghoon had been on tour for the past few weeks, performing in various cities around the world.

While you're proud of how far they've come, the distance weighs heavily on your heart. The days feel longer without his presence, his laughter, his warm embraces, and his reassuring smile that could brighten even the darkest of days.

The constant communication through texts, calls, and video chats helps, but it's just not enough.

You long for those spontaneous moments when you can hold hands as you walk down the streets, share inside jokes that only the two of you understand, and steal glances that speak volumes without a single word.

It's the first snow in Seoul and you're outside, watching the soft snowflakes gently falling from the sky when someone puts on a scarf around your neck.

When you turn around, you find him smiling at you, his eyes glistening. "You didn't think I'll miss the first now, did you?"

Sunghoon reaches to wipe the tear that escapes your eyes before you wrap your arms around him, making sure this isn't just a dream.

"You're here." You mutter and he holds you tighter, as if he never wants to let go. He nods and cries in your arms, his breathing shaky but full of affection.

"I'm sorry it took me this long to come back," Sunghoon says through his tears. "But I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere." 


The world feels empty without Jake by your side. For the last three months, he'd been on tour with the other members and you had been counting down the days until his return. His absence really left a void in your heart that nothing could feel.

You spend your days waiting for him to call, or lying on your bed while in his hoodie so his comforting scent could surround you.

Layla sleeps next to you, sad that Jake is not home to pat her head and play with her. Her eyes would search for him whenever the front door opened, only to be met with disappointment when he wasn't there.

One evening, as you sit with Layla in your lap, the front door opens, startling you both. She jumps off your lap and runs toward the entrance, her tail wagging with excitement.

You turn your head, hardly daring to believe it, and there he stands - Jake, with a smile that lights up the room and a travel-weary but loving sparkle in his eyes.

"My girl," He kneels down to greet her and she showers him with licks and tail wags.

You stand there, watching him before he approaches you. And without a word, you throw your arms around him, pulling him into a tight embrace.

His familiar scent, the one you had missed so much, envelops you, and for a moment, it feels like time stands still.

"I'm home." He whispers and you nod, unable to find the right words to express just how much his return means to you. "I missed you so much, my love."

You can hear his sobs and his body trembling slightly as he holds you tighter. He's crying, really crying, and your heart aches at the sound of his pain.

As he clings to you, you gently stroke his hair and let him pour out all his pent-up emotions. His tears wet your shoulder but you don't mind, because the void in your heart that had been there for three long months is finally filled. 

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