When the hot nerd confesses to you | Jay

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You're in the kitchen making breakfast for the hot nerd who was sleeping in your bed. The thought makes you chuckle to yourself as you flip a pancake in the pan. Maybe this is the start of your not-so-typical love story.

You pour a fresh cup of coffee and set the table, making sure everything looks perfect for Jay when he wakes up. And when you hear footsteps coming from your room, you turn to see Jay stumbling in, his hair a mess, and his glasses slightly askew.

He rubs his temples, clearly nursing a hangover. "Good morning," you say with a small smile, placing the plate in front of him. "I made some pancakes and coffee for you. It should help with the hangover-"

"I don't need it. I will leave." He says, his voice groggy and deep, making you freeze mid-sentence.

"Why?" You're disappointed. For the whole night, you've been fantasizing about the way your not-so-typical love story with Jay could unfold, and now it seems like it might be over before it even began.

"Last night... I shouldn't have said those things. I was drunk, and I probably made a fool of myself." He spares you a glance before he sighs heavily. "I'm sorry. That was a huge mistake."

Your hands ball into fists at your sides, frustration and disappointment welling up within you. "Then why did you say you noticed me looking at you in the library? Why did you say you wanted to kiss me?"

"We don't even know each other. And me noticing you steal glances at me doesn't mean I'm going to fall in love with you just like that."

You let out a mock gasp, trying to show him that you didn't take his words too seriously. "Who said anything about falling in love? It's not like I expected you to propose marriage after a night of too much Soju." You try to sound nonchalant, but your heart aches with disappointment.

Jay rubs his temples again, clearly struggling with his hangover. "Look, I messed up last night, and I don't want to lead you on. I should go."

"Okay, go." You look away, the breakfast you made growing cold on the table while he lets out a sigh and leaves your place. The thought of what could have been lingers in your mind as you hear the door close behind him. You wonder if you'll ever see him again, if this chance encounter will be nothing more than a fleeting memory.

College isn't quite the same after that night. You can't help but think about Jay, the nerdy guy who had taken you by surprise and then left just as abruptly.

You find it hard to focus on your studies, constantly distracted by the memory of his touch and the way his lips had hovered so close to yours.

Weeks pass, and you go back to your usual routine of studying in the library. But this time, there's a noticeable absence in your corner. Jay's usual spot remains empty, and you can't help but feel a pang of disappointment each time you look over there.

"Does he hate seeing me that much now?" You wonder to yourself, resting your head on your arm in the quiet, empty library. He never comes and it just doesn't make sense to you.

You can't help but replay the events of that night in your mind, wondering if you did or said something that had driven him away.

And one evening, when the two of you stop across from each other in the dimly lit corridor, your heart skips a beat. It's been weeks since that night at the party, and you've longed to see Jay again.

"You don't have to make it that obvious you don't want to see me," You blurt out and when his jaw, as sharp as a sculpted work of art, tenses, you instantly regret your words.

The way his glasses perch on the bridge of his nose makes him look even more attractive as he gazes at you with eyes that make a shiver run down your spine. Since when nerds could be so hot?

"I don't think I owe you an explanation. If you believe I haven't been going to the library because of you, you're really misunderstanding things." You watch as he steps closer to you, his body a few inches away from yours. "Whatever happened that night, don't let it get to your head-"

The sound of someone's footsteps approaching made you widen your eyes and before you know it, Jay grabs your wrist and pulls you inside an empty classroom, your heart pounding in your chest.

The door closes softly and you lean against it with Jay putting both his hands on either side of you, effectively trapping you between his warm body and the door.

"We should leave." He whispers, his eyes looking into yours while he swallows hard, his Adam's apple bobbing in response.

"You said you would kiss me when you're sober." You say, looking up at him. His body is practically towering over you, and you can feel his breath against your lips. "I think you're pretty sober now."

"Do you want me to kiss you?" His hand reaches to hold your cheek then it trails down to your neck and he gently grabs it, making you look deep into his eyes. "Do you want me to show you how much I've wanted this?"

Your breath hitches at his touch, and you can hardly think straight. Your voice is barely above a whisper as you respond, "Yes, I do."

And that's all it takes him to lower his lips to yours once more, his mouth descending upon yours with a hunger that leaves you breathless. His hands grip your waist firmly, pulling you flush against his lean, toned body.

It's nothing like you imagined it would be. There's no trace of the drunken boldness from that night at the party. His glasses come in the way and he quickly slides them off, setting them aside while all his focus is on you.

And before you know it, his arms go under your legs before he carries you to a nearby table and sets you down gently, never breaking the kiss.

You wrap your arms around his neck and he chuckles against your lips, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine.

He breaks the kiss just long enough to whisper, "You have no idea how long I've wanted this, how much I've thought about you."

"I thought you didn't care," you manage to say between breathless kisses, your hands running through his tousled hair.

He looks into your eyes for a moment before lowering his head. "I was a fool to push you away. I couldn't stop thinking about you, no matter how hard I tried to convince myself otherwise."

"You're really such a nerd," You whisper, your lips curling into a playful smile as you brush your fingers along his jawline.

"It seems I'm not so smart when it comes to matters of the heart. I've never liked someone before. I never went to study yet kept staring at a book while thinking of someone else," he admits, his voice filled with warmth as he gazes at you.

"Well, I must admit, I never expected to be distracted by a nerdy guy in the library, but here we are."

He presses a loving kiss to your forehead and whispers, "I'm glad I stopped trying to resist this."

You snuggle closer to him, feeling content and complete. "Me too."

Your not-so-typical love story with Jay has finally begun, and it looks like it's way better than in the books or movies. It's real, it's beautiful, and it's uniquely your own.

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