When they ask you out on a date | Maknae Line

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"Y/N, Sunoo is here." You hear your mother call from downstairs and you close your laptop before you open your door, only to find him standing right in front of you.

"Oh Gosh, you scared me." You rest your hand against your chest and chuckle.

"Why? I'm cute." He indeed is. "Didn't you miss me?"

"I saw you yesterday." You scoff, making him frown. "Okay, I did miss you. You know how much I like you, right?"

"If you like me that much, let's go on a date." His words take you off guard as you point between the two of you. "Yes. Together."

"Why?" The thing is, lately, Sunoo has been a little too beautiful and sweet that you couldn't help but start feeling something for him.

So him asking you out for a date is surprising, but you feel happier than ever.

"Because I want to spend time with you." You've always been just friends, so why-

"Because I miss you a lot lately and I just want to be with you? Or perhaps it's because I'm starting to like you?"

"Sunoo...?" Your eyes widen and for a moment, you forget how to breathe.

"Y/N, I know we're friends, but I think I want to be more than just that." The way he looks at you is so soft that it makes butterflies dance inside your stomach. "I've known you for so long... I think I want you to be the one for me."

You smile a little before you nod, your cheeks probably red by now. "Actually... I do like you too... so..."

The way his eyes light up and his expression changes from a worried one to one full of shine makes you realize how nervous he was.

"Me? You like me?" He raises his eyebrows and keeps pointing at himself as if he doesn't deserve the whole world.

But you want to make sure he knows that, so you cup his cheeks and look at him.

"Yes, you." You smile, making him melt in your arms. "I like you."


"Do we really have to do the presentation?" You ask, already dreading the day when you'll have to present in front of hundreds of people.

"Yes. There's no other way." Your friend Harin sighs heavily and runs her fingers through her hair. "Let's go to the library and fix whatever we have to do. Fuck it."

Along with the endless assignments, now you're supposed to give a speech in public and your social anxiety is starting to kick in.

You sigh and make your way to the library, your head down low from the amount of stress you're feeling. But when you come across a hard- surface? You widen your eyes and stop in your tracks.

Only to see him looking at you with worried eyes. "Y/N?" Jungwon mutters, his hand resting against your arm. "Is everything okay?"

You gulp. Jungwon has been your crush for so long yet you never told him. You were okay with having him as a friend who fixed your stress whenever you went to him.

"Yes, I'm okay. I'm just a little bit stressed."

"A little bit?" He smiles softly at you, knowing very well how your anxiety gets the best of you.

"Harin, can I have Y/N for a moment?"

"She's all yours." You look back at Harin who has a grin on her face as she tells you to go. She's your biggest supporter and she ships the two of you so badly.

"Come here, talk to me." He pulls you to a quiet place, letting you lean on the wall as he stands in front of you. "What's wrong?"

"It's just..." You gulp. He's so damn close. "We have so much to do and I'm scared of presenting-"

"Y/N," He stops you, his finger resting against your lips. "I know you can do it, but give yourself a break. Take it easy, step by step, hm?"

"I know but I just- I don't know what to do, Jungwon, what if I fail everything, and what if people laugh at me-"

"Breathe, Y/N."

"What if I end up stuttering and everyone realizes how anxious and socially awkward I am-"

"Let me take you out." But like, this is what makes you forget how to breathe. "Let's go to a café and get you your favorite strawberry cake."

"Is it... a date?" You hesitantly ask, making him turn to you.

Jungwon smiles and cups your cheeks, making you look at him. "Yes, it is. You should know by now how much I adore you, my pretty girl."


"I don't think you'll look good in sweatpants." You tell Niki, your childhood friend, as he scrolls through the online shop.

As you lie on his bed, you glance at him and wait for a reaction. You know damn well that he looks the best in sweatpants, and that's exactly why you said what you said.

Niki loves competition and hates losing. And most of all, he loves proving people wrong.

"Oh yeah?" He turns to you, making you gulp and look back at your phone. His eyes glued on you are making your heart beat faster.

"I know what you're doing."

"And what am I doing?" You hear him chuckle, and when you glance at him, he has this beautiful smile on his face while he looks back at his laptop.

You don't realize it until you hold your phone and secretly take a picture of him.

However, the sound your phone makes when you take his photo makes Niki turn to you with wide, knowing eyes.

"I didn't- I mean I just-" You try to explain but his surprised expression turns to a smirk.

You've been hiding the fact that you like your childhood friend so well for the past few months, but the friend in question is well aware of your feelings towards him.

He's just waiting to hear you confess loud and clear. But if you're taking too long, he's willing to make you do it.

You watch Niki as he stands up and makes his way to you, folding his arms over his chest and cocking his eyebrow.

"Do you like me, Y/N?" He asks, making you widen your eyes.

"What- no?" You don't intend for it to sound unsure but the way it does makes his smile grow wider. Then he leans closer to you, his face inches apart from yours.

"Why are you so red?" His thumb brushes your cheek and you gulp, screaming inside.

"It's just h-hot." You hate the way you stutter but he's making your heart beat so fast.

"Y/N, I'm going to kiss you." He says and you widen your eyes even more when he starts leaning closer. "If you don't like me, tell me to stop. Because I like you, and if you like me too, this is where us begins."

You can't tell him to stop, and your heart can't stand the way he's making you feel, so you close the gap between the two of you and rest your lips against his.

Niki's eyes widen but he kisses you back, his hands cupping your cheeks.

When you pull away, your cheeks are so red and you can't even look him in the eye, but he holds your chin and gently turns you to face him.

"I like you, Y/N, it's been a long time actually." He smiles, his ears red. "I knew you liked me too. And I know you've been trying to hide it."

"I just thought I'd ruin everything."

"How would you ruin anything when I like you so much?" His eyes soften. "I want to spend all my time with you, Y/N. I want to take you out on dates and enjoy every day with you."

"You want to go out on a date?"

"I do. Would you like to?"

"I'd love to."

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