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"I don't know how, but please come home soon mom, I just have this bad feeling in my heart that something's not right," whispered Aadhya in the phone. Ayesha smiled at her daughter's words. "Aadhi, please don't overthink dear. We will be home in just one hour. We have already started from the hospital, and do you know I have an amazing gift for you, Dadaji and Dadima are here to see their little princess. We just picked them from the airport and are on our way home. So, I want you to just relax and have your dinner" softly spoke Ayesha.

"Wow!!! That's amazing mom. I missed them so much. I can't wait to see them. And I will have my dinner once you return as I want you to feed me, mom. I just love when you or dad feed me." Ayesha sighed hearing her daughter who never eats on her own until she is fed by her mom or dad. "Aadhi! It's already 8p.m. and remember you need to go to school tomorrow. So please start eating now and don't wait for us. In between, did you make sure to close your windows, it's about to rain."

"Yes, mom! I closed all the windows long ago. I will eat now but please keep talking to me while I eat and why isn't dad talking?" asked Aadhya. "Aadhi, your dad is driving, and do you remember how one shouldn't talk on the mobile when we drive," said her mom. "It's ok Ayesha. Put the mobile on speaker so that I can talk to my princess" Aadhya heard her dad say. "Hello princess, what's my Aadhu baby doing?" Arun asked his 7-year-old daughter who had him wrapped on her little fingers since the day she was born. 

"Hey dad! I miss you so much already. You shouldn't have listened to mom and left me home with Ramu kaka" Aadhya angrily spoke to her dad. "I know dear, but you know you should never let others fall sick by going somewhere when you are sick, especially if it is something like the viral fever you have now. And moreover, we went to get your mom checked, there are so many babies over there. Do you wish them to get sick too?" softly questioned Arun.   

"No, Papa. Sorry for being stubborn" apologized Aadhya. Arun smiled at his little girl's maturity and how she accepts things very easily at such a small age. "Now do you want to welcome your little baby brother or sister in the next week?" asked her Dadima. "Oh my god! Is the baby coming next week Dadima? That's so nice. I'll get to play so much with my baby brother or sister. Dadaji, you and I can take the little baby also to a walk from next week. And mom will you please let me name the baby?" asked Aadhya excitedly while eating her dinner. Everyone laughed at her excitement to welcome the new bundle of joy who is going to join them very soon. They all talked to a chirping Aadhya who totally forgot her anger that her parents left her home and was indulged in planning a happy future filled with joy. But little did the poor soul know that sometimes God really doesn't give what we wish for but only gives what he has written in ones' destiny.

"Ok Aadhi. We are just around the street corner, ask Ramu kaka to open the gate and stay indoors till we come in. It's raining heavily dear" instructed Ayesha. "Ok sure. Dad, Mom, I love you both so much" said Aadhya and ran towards Ramu kaka to inform what her mom asked her to. Aadhya adamantly went with Ramu kaka towards the gate holding her barbie umbrella. She excitedly waved at her parents and grandparents, blowing kisses to them when she saw them turning towards the gate who waved her back smiling at her cuteness waiting for Ramu kaka to open the gate. Just before Arun could pull over through the gate a speeding truck hit their car and "Boom...."

Aadhya woke up startled, drenched in sweat and tried to catch her breathe. She got down from her bed and walked towards her desk to notice that the time was 5:10 a.m. Walking into the balcony to watch the blooming flowers in her garden, she tried to calm her mind and heart which seem to be in a race with each other. This was the first time in 20 years she dreamt of her parents. She never forgot her parents; but at the same time, she doesn't remember much before the day of her parent's death. Somehow her brain has done an amazing job in hiding those memories in its darkest corner, which though she tried to recall only made her to fall sick.

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