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My new book "Love's Resilience" is now available in my works and will have a regular update on every saturday morning. Please show some love... 


"What do you all want me to do now? Forget everything just like that and act like I am totally fine!" shouted Drithi. Everyone can sense the anger radiating through her, the ever-calm eyes have turned bloodshot, and she is literally shaking unable to control her anger anymore.

"Drithi! Please calm down dear. When you now know what happened, why the anger yet? He just didn't want to hurt you," Dwani aunty tried to console her.

Drithi started laughing loudly and we were watching her silently, unable to decipher what was running in her mind. She took support of the chair beside her and clutched her stomach while laughing. After few minutes she wiped her tears from the laughter and walked towards her mom. "Do you even hear yourself, Mom? He did everything not to hurt me and at the end of the day, I am standing here, right in front of your eyes, deeply hurt and broken, that too because of him, the person you all are supporting now and have always supported despite me being your daughter! So how do you expect me to calm down, Mom?" she weakly asked and tear drop slowly slid along her right cheek.

Her mom couldn't utter a word but stand silently with tears flowing down, for her loving daughter who has been hurting since the last two years. "Dri, please understand his point too. I know he has hurt you, but isn't it out of his love for you?" asked her brother Darsh, who also happens to be my best friend.

Drithi didn't even bother to turn towards her brother and just walked towards my parents. "I respect you both so much and you know what you mean to me. There wasn't a single day where I treated you any less than my own parents, but do you think after everything that happened, I should just forget everything. When all of you know what I was going through the past two years, not even a single person in this room bothered to open your mouths to tell me the truth, just because you thought I would be hurt! Do you all think I deserved all that I went through?"

She took deep breaths and with tears cascading down her cheeks she asked looking at everyone in the room, "Now how come each of you ask me to move on forgetting my hurt, my pain, my heartbreak? So now that he has returned and has a reason for breaking my heart, I should just let everything go and be so happy for whatever you guys are planning."

Darsh walked towards me and grabbed my hand, taking me towards Drithi and angrily shouted on her, "Just come to your senses Dri! You are always adamantly trying to think from your point alone. Just look at him in the eyes, put yourself in his shoes and think for once. How much was he hurt by doing all this, how much he loves you that he was ready to lose you and how much he loves you that he crossed every hurdle to return to you? He was scared every moment that you will be hurt, he lived these two years, worried that he will see pity in your eyes if you come to know of what happened Dri. The last thing he wants in his life is to see pity in your eyes for him. Why don't you understand that?"

She looked at us both in fury and shouted, "If he really loved me, he should have shown a little trust in me. If he really loved me like you say, he would have known that it isn't pity that will reflect in my eyes on knowing the truth, but it would have been my love for him, in my eyes. He would have known if he truly loved me, that I wouldn't be hurt but be his biggest strength and support him every moment in these two years. Neither can anyone change what he did then, nor can any of you change what I went through!" 

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