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***So sorry for the delay, I have been so busy these days and couldn't update. Thank you for the comments and dms requesting for a quick update, I understand your interest in the book and really appreciate your efforts to reach me. ***


I looked into his eyes expecting him to say something, but he blankly stared at me, and I felt a tinge of disappointment at his reaction. I was about to hold his hand when he covered his mouth and ran into the washroom, emptying his guts in there. I was too shocked to react and my silly mind was taunting me, 'Wow! So much for such a wonderful proposal.' I here Arush puking again and walk into the washroom only to see him sitting on the floor exhausted, and gesturing with his hands. I fill the bath tub with warm water and help him to stand.

"Uh, do you need help Arush?" He just shakes his head and gestures me to go out. I exit the washroom and he softly closes the door behind me. I slap my head repeatedly at the turn of events and walk to turn off all the candles. I clear the decors and open the windows. That's when I realize I'm still in this stupid saree and walk into the closet to change into sweatshirt and tights. Though I'm worried about Arush, I know it's either the food from the dinner or allergic reaction to something.

The worst part is the timing and I'm so embarrassed at this moment. I just put my embarrassment aside and walk out to see Arush in a bathrobe, looking fresh but tiredly walking out holding his head. I support him by placing one hand over his shoulder, help him towards the bed, where he sits still holding his head while I grab him a glass of water. After drinking few sips from the glass, he walks towards the closet to change and I contemplate if I should take him to hospital or buy him medication.

I hear Arush's mobile ringing and walk towards the coffee table to grab it for him and see it's his mom. I answer the video call and say, "Ma, how are you?" Arush walks out at the same time dressed looking weak. "Aadhya, have I disturbed you? I didn't talk to you guys from two days, so just thought to check on you once. Where is Arush?" she asked all at a stretch. I look at Arush and he gestures as no and I don't get what he means. Ma again asks, "Where is Arush, why are you silent Aadhya? Is everything fine?" I don't understand what to say and pass the mobile to Arush. He throws an angry look at me and walks into the living area and settles on the couch.

I stand at the entrance of the room and see him talking to his mom. "Mom, I'm fine. Can you please stop panicking?" Arush weakly tells his mom. "How can you ask me to stay calm when you look so weak and exhausted? Why the hell didn't Aadhya tell me you were sick? Is this why none of you called me in the past two days?" I now understand why Arush gestured me not to give him the mobile. I'm so gone today. I hear them both arguing and after a while Arush holds his head and drops the mobile. I run towards him and inform ma that he is dizzy and I will call her back.

I call the reception to make arrangements to take Arush to hospital. I grab my handbag and help him put his shoes. I hold his hand with my heart rapidly beating, wondering why he is so sick all of a sudden. I voiced out my concerns to the doctor, he runs a couple of blood tests and puts on a saline drip to hydrate Arush while waiting for the lab reports. I sit beside Arush holding his other hand, while the doctor walks in after an hour and informs that it isn't much to be worried and just an allergic reaction, but definitely not the food poisoning.

The doctor examines Arush again and asks "Mr Arush, do you have any specific allergies, anything you know of since your childhood?" Arush nods his head as no and says, "Not that I know of any, I guess I didn't even come across anything new things too recently". The doctor suggests us to think properly if anything new has been used probably a fragrance or cosmetics. That's when I realized that I lit the whole room with lavender scented candles. "Wait, the candles, I mean the lavender scented candles. Could it be allergy to lavender?" I ask the doctor.

"There you have the answer, the symptoms exactly match lavender allergy. Just try staying away from lavender and this shouldn't be really much severe next time, probably because this is the first time ever you are so close to that fragrance. The next time you might just go through some sneezes for a day or two. Nothing to be worried. I will just prescribe few anti-histamines, grab them from the pharmacy on your way and you can leave after the saline drip. Mrs Arush, next time try rose or sandalwood for a date night," the doctor winks and leaves from there.

Ok, not the time to blush. I turn towards Arush who is already looking at me and I say, "I'm sorry, Arush. I didn't know. I just..." He closes his eyes and I stop mid-sentence, feeling guilty and sad. He can't be angry with me for something I didn't mean to do, right? I sit silently watching him and after about an hour a nurse comes and removes his drip and asks him to rest for 10 more minutes. I go to the reception to do the bill payment and also grab his medication from the pharmacy. By the time I return he is sitting on the bed, and walks out without speaking anything.

I see the car already waiting for us at the entrance and it's a silent ride back to the hotel. When I give him my hand to get out of the car knowing he is weak, he silently refuses it and walks inside the lobby. I follow him quietly without any other word and I feel tears blurring my vision. As soon as we enter the penthouse, we hear his mobile ringing and I realize I left his here itself, and my mobile is in silent mode in my handbag. I lock the main door and pull my mobile out to see 19 missed calls from Anvi Ma. "Great, can I get anymore stupid?"

I walk into our bedroom and Arush says, "I'm tired, Mom. Just do whatever you think is the best," and passes me his mobile. I sit on the couch and say, "Ma, I'm sorry." Even before I can complete, she angrily cuts me and says, "I didn't expect you to be so irresponsible, Aadhya. I know you are a doctor and you aren't worried about Arush as much as I'm, but do you realize how much a mother gets worried about her child, no matter how little pain they are in. 19 calls in the last one hour and not even a single time where you bothered to keep me updated about my son's health? Is this how you are going to handle your family?"

I am so numb to respond anything and I open my mouth to say something, but words don't come out. My eyes blur with tears and I take deep breaths not to cry. Papa grabs the mobile from her and says, "Ayu, just look at me, it happens dear. Don't feel bad, we were just worried about you guys and since it has been an hour without you responding to the calls, we thought something is serious. I don't want you to bother about anyone's words."

I give him a nod and say, "I really didn't mean to worry you guys, Papa. I was just worried about Arush and didn't realize till we returned that I forgot to call you." I stop talking further as I know my voice will break if I continue. Ma grabs the mobile from papa and says, "I want you guys to start home tomorrow first thing in the morning. Our private jet will be ready by 11am and I don't want any arguments over this." I was shocked at her decision and say, "But Ma, Arush is fine now, just weak but really fine." She shakes her head and says, "Let me decide that, when you guys are home and he is in front of my eyes."

I silently nod my head as a yes and end the call. Arush tiredly sighs from the doorway and walks out to the living room. I walk into the kitchen to make a toast for him to eat before taking his medicines. I hand him the toast first and he eats silently watching some news and then gulps down the medicine. I look at him quietly, waiting for him to say atleast a word but he ignores me and continues to watch the news. I walk into the room and pack our luggage except for the clothes for tomorrow. Once done I drop a message to Minnie that we are returning tomorrow and sit on the window alcove overlooking the City of Love!

I had planned this day to be so beautiful, romantic and memorable for us, but I feel guilty that it ended badly, because of me. I spend the whole night staring through the window, watching the gloomy dark sky turning into a beautiful dawn. I go out to check on Arush and see him still watching the television. A sleepless night for both of us, I really wish to sort things before going from here. He spares a small glance towards me when I enter the living room and immediately averts his eyes back to the television. I sigh and go back to freshen up as I don't want to piss people more than I already did.

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