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I talked to mom about Di, and she immediately asked me to come along with her to bring Di home. We went to Di's home which is a beautiful triplex with a very big lawn filled with all colors of flowers and a fountain in the middle of the lawn. Rishab has made sure to do everything Di likes to keep her happy. Rishab! My one and only best friend since my childhood. We have known each other from the day we joined our kindergarten and since then Rishab, Vihana Di and I have been always together in our schooling, college everywhere. Though his parents move abroad to take care of their New York head office during his graduation, Rishab stayed back in India for us. That was when Di fell in love with Rishab. After college, Rishab went to the USA for his masters and returned after two years. Di was so sad when he left to the USA but didn't want to tell Rishab about her love as she was scared to lose their friendship, if he didn't feel the same for her.

The day Rishab returned to India along with his parents, was the day before Di's engagement. When I met him and informed about Di's engagement, he was shocked and told that he returned to India only because he loves Vihana Di and asked me to help talk to our family about this. Along with his parents, we went to my home first to inform mom about everything, and she was confused on how to tell all this to Mamu. My Mamu has always been a person who cared so much about his pride and fame in the society, but he loves his kids a lot too.

When we decided to go to Mamu's home, we were shocked to see him standing at the door with Mami and Di. He was raging in anger and walked towards Rishab and said, "I would not have objected to your marriage if you have come straight to me and told everything before Viha's engagement was fixed. Now, just before a day of her engagement, how dare you come and say that you love her and want to marry her. What were you doing all these years when you have a chance? Viha, ask Rishab to stop all this and leave from here right now."

We all turned to see Di and she fell on her knees crying bitterly. Mom and Mami went to hold her, while Mamu stood shocked at the turn of events. Rishab also had tears in his eyes but was only looking at Di. Rishab's dad went to Mamu and said, "Vishal! I know talking about this now is a wrong time. But when Rishab came to the USA, he has been so lonely the first year and he realized it was because he was missing Viha so much. He understood that what he felt for Viha was more than friendship. He wanted to return to India right away to confess to her about his feelings and ask you permission for their marriage. But a week before he was to return, I had an accident and was on bed rest for 8 months due to spinal injury. That was when he had to take responsibilities of my company along with completing his masters. Here we are, once I have recovered completely and was permitted to travel. We didn't know about Viha's engagement till Arush told us earlier. Trust me Vishal, Viha will be a daughter to us if she comes to our home."

Mamu went towards a crying Di and said, "Viha, I have asked you way earlier when you got this proposal if you love anyone, but all you said was no. After meeting Rohit, I asked you again before giving them consent for your marriage with him. Even then you told me you are ok to marry Rohit. If we cancel the engagement right now, do you know what Rohit will be feeling after having loved you so much and has planned a future with you. You were not just cheating me, but Rohit and yourself too. What if Rishab didn't return today? You would go ahead and get engaged to Rohit tomorrow and then marry him eventually, but later on, with the love for Rishab, you will not be able to put your 100% efforts into your marriage which may lead to creating rifts between you and Rohit."

He sighed before continuing, "Your stupidity would have spoiled three lives today. You should know that my pride is not more than my love for my kids. I will talk to Rohit's family and apologize. You will get engaged to Rishab tomorrow and marry him in a week." Everyone present there were so happy that Mamu has agreed to their marriage. He stopped everyone from talking by showing his hand and said, "The wedding will happen grandly and Viha will leave our home along with the property documents she is entitled to as my daughter, but she will no longer have a maternal home after that. I am not angry at her for loving Rishab as I know what kind of a person he is, I am not able to digest the fact that she let this come till here and share what she feels with me. Anvitha, it is upto you if she is allowed to come see you, but she won't have a mother, father or brother hereafter. Viha, this is going to be the last one week for you with us. I believe at least now you will respect my decision and not try to contact any of us." He left from there leaving us all shocked at Mamu's words.

I came out of my thoughts when I saw mom and Di coming downstairs after packing her luggage. Their faces show that they both had an emotional heart-to-heart talk. We left to our home and mom filled her with the details about us going to meet the Singhania's daughters. I felt it is better to not tell anyone about Viraj and Ananya's relationship as Mamu has still not yet recovered from Vihana Di's wedding.

When we reached home, I saw that Viraj was talking to my dad about his business in London and they were happy to see Di along with us. Mom told dad everything and dad took Di to talk to her in the garden while mom left to arrange the dinner. Viraj was looking at me as if asking what I was thinking. "I think we should avoid telling Mamu about you and Ananya. Not just him but everyone. Anyways they have arranged this marriage, let it be like that as his anger towards Di has not yet cooled down and at this moment let us not add more to his troubles by saying that you were in a relationship with Ananya without letting anyone know for five years. And moreover, we don't want to unnecessarily create trouble for Ananya too as she didn't share it with anyone in her family and it may hurt them too. Let us not give her the same situation like what Viha Di went through. Just my thought, it is finally your decision."

He nodded his head in understanding and asked if I had any other contact of Ananya as he is unable to reach on her number. I gave him the number I have but he still couldn't reach her. Both the numbers we have are not reachable. He looked stressed, but serves him right for treating her like that. Hope she is doing fine. Mom came to call us for dinner, when her mobile rang. "Hey Ankitha, I was just about to call you. Oh, that is nice. What did they say, are the fine meeting them tomorrow? So glad to know that, I will make sure these both reach there on time. Can't stop my excitement. Take care, goodnight!"

We looked at her expectantly to know what Mrs. Singhania said to mom, but her being the drama queen was not telling us and silently arranging the dinner. I had enough of her drama and clearing my throat asked, "Mom, so what did Mrs. Singhania say?" She started giggling a school girl and said, "First go call dad and Viha, it is already 11p.m. Let us start our dinner before it is even more late. I will tell you once dad is here." Hearing her Viraj immediately left to call dad and Di. I mentally rolled my eyes at his behavior and heard mom laughing loudly.

"What happened Anvi? What made you laugh so much?" asked dad entering the dining room along with Di and Viraj. "What to say Arjun. I didn't know our children are in such a hurry to get married. Ankitha just called me, and one was desperately asking what she told me while the other ran to call you as I said I will tell when you are back," said mom dramatically. She made sure Di ate properly while Viraj and I have shut our mouths, waiting to know when she will talk about the call. When we were almost done with dinner she started, "So, I know you both are dying to know, they have agreed to meet you at our Hill Top Kitchen at 5p.m. tomorrow. You guys' better reach there early and be on your best behavior. Please dress properly and talk to them with open minds, get to know them. Have your dinner there along with them and return safely to give us good news. I will inform Robin to not take any reservations for tomorrow evening and arrange for the best dinner."

I was happy to know that I will finally talk to Aadhya tomorrow. I looked at Viraj only to find him in deep thoughts. I nudged him and asked what he was thinking. He just smiled at us and said he will leave to his home and hugged Di and asked her to take care of herself before wishing us all goodnight and started to leave. I went out behind him and stopped him before he entered the car. "Viru, what happened now? Why are you sad now? You will be meeting Ananya tomorrow. That means she is safe at home. So, just stop worrying now." He sadly smiled and said, "Her coming is what is bothering me Aru. She is not coming to meet her love but to meet the prospective groom her parents have asked to meet. I know it is not wrong on her part after what I did today, but still my heart isn't able to calm down."

I didn't realize this until now and felt bad for him. "Viru, we don't know why she agreed to meet. Maybe because she didn't inform about your relationship with anyone yet, she agreed to meet the person her parents asked to and say no later on. Let us not come to any conclusion and see what is going to happen tomorrow. Go home and try to get some sleep. Come home by 10 in the morning tomorrow, we can take di for some shopping or a movie." He smiled and wished me a goodnight before leaving. I waited till his car left our premises and went inside to see that everyone left to the rooms. I decided to call it a night and slept after taking a relaxing shower.

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