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As we entered the auditorium, I see Papa, Mamu and Minnie already seated on the dais. Just before Arush went on the dais, we were asked to pose for few pictures, and we agreed to it. I managed to give a proper smile despite the flashes. For a moment, I thought my eyes are going to be blinded due to the flashing lights from the cameras. Can't they just take pictures one at a time? After what felt like an eternity, I finally settled down next to Ma and Mami, while Arush took his seat beside Minnie on the dais.

Papa moved towards the podium and requested everyone to push the questions towards the end and then talked about the merger between the Malhotra and the Singhania groups. He also announced that Arush and me are married. Then Mamu took over and explained the merger responsibilities of Arush and Minnie. Arush then briefed on the project Aaradhya and took his seat. Papa's assistant asked the reporters to put forward their questions. After asking few questions, one of the reporters asked, "Can we ask few questions to Mrs Aadhya too?"

Arush was about to say something when I stood with a smile and replied, "Of course, let me come over to the podium for you guys." I walked towards the podium after assuring Arush with a small nod that I got this. He gave me an encouraging smile though I notice nervousness in his eyes. I moved the mike towards me and said, "Please, go ahead!" The same reporter asked me, "So what are we going to address you, Mrs Aadhya Singhania or Mrs Aadhya Malhotra?" I chuckled at that and said, "Mrs Aadhya Mehra or just Mrs Aadhya!"

The reporter then asked, "So Mrs Aadhya, why were you not involved in the merger project of the Singhania's' with the Malhotras'. Is it because you aren't their own daughter?" Papa's assistant immediately spoke, "Please can we move to another question?" I stopped him and said, "That's ok. Let me answer this. Yes, I am not involved in the project. It isn't because I am not their own daughter, I am more than that for them. It is because I am a doctor and I love my profession to the core of my heart. I wouldn't ever want to stop servicing people through my profession and also, I was never trained for the business. It always gave me a headache when I tried to understand the business strategies and so I am happy with what I am doing," I added with a small chuckle.

Another reporter from IBN asked, "We heard you gave up your shares at the Singhania's and transferred them to Miss Ananya Singhania and also this merger was the main reason for your wedding, that is why it was held completely out of the media attention! Why is Miss Ananya Singhania the sole heir of the Singhania's? Why the quick wedding? Were you forced into this arranged marriage? Also, there is insider's information that you had to resign your job because of your wedding. Is that true?" I couldn't stop myself and laughed out loud and said, "Don't mind, I couldn't just contain myself from laughing at your curiosity! You have asked really a long list of questions Mr Sandeep Varma."

He looked shocked when I addressed him with his name. I took a deep breath and then said, "Didn't you write a big article answering all the questions already? I do know when you say insider's information. I am just curious why you ask now again the same when you have already published?" I gave a small pause and then said, "Oh, I understand! You wanted people to know the truth, right! I get your point. So, let me put this straight." I heard everyone in the room chuckling and Mr Sandeep Varma looked slightly embarrassed.

"No, I didn't give up my shares to Miss Ananya because I didn't accept them in the first place, she is the rightful owner and heir of the Singhania groups. For those who don't know, the Singhania groups was started by Mr Arvind Singhania and Mrs Ankitha Singhania, after my mom was married and she was in no way involved in the development of such amazing company and so, as her daughter, my conscience would never agree to take something that neither is rightfully mine, nor which I am not eligible to!"

"And coming to my wedding, I am a really simple person, who finds happiness in little things. I have always stayed away from the limelight, my family being really famous, would have caused a lot of trouble while I render my services as a doctor, to both me and my patients. Trust me I have always been wary of media disturbing my privacy, see how much has been written about me already by you, though this is the first time we are actually meeting in person."

"Now about my wedding being very quickly held, when I met Arush for the first time, I knew he is the one for me. We were asked to choose either November 5th for our wedding date or wait for 6 months. Now who would be able to wait that long, after meeting such a wonderful person," I said looking at Arush and gave him a hearty smile.

I again turned facing the reporters and asked, "Sorry what was your final question again?" Mr Sandeep Varma asked, "Why did you resign your job?" I immediately nodded my head and said, "Oh about that, the project Aaradhya has been the dream project of Arush's and my parents. I will be joining Arush in this project from January and this is going to consume a lot of my time. I am going to dedicate my complete efforts into this and that is the reason I have resigned despite being selected as the assistant dean at my previous workplace," I added with a smirk.

I know this is going to strike straight to his heart as it is about his elder brother I taunted indirectly, but I don't give a damn shit when he dared to insult my family with whatever nuisance he published. I knew everyone was trying to solve this issue this morning and were trying to warn me about this, but I knew this was going to happen when yesterday Dr Harshavardhan informed me in the party, that Dr Virendra saw my reception invitation when he visited their home.

I kept my attention on all the news being published today and found this article even before everyone at home woke up. I was so angry with whatever was written, but then I decided to stay calm and handle this myself, as I know Arush would be even more furious about this. I calmed myself by meditating and made up my mind on how to deal with this.

Another reporter then asked me, "Was your wedding a part of the merger? How did you feel when your wedding was fixed with Mr Arush Malhotra, knowing your parents are not here to approve the groom for you?" Everyone became silent all of a sudden as if even blinking the eyes would make a noise too. I looked straight into the reporter's eyes and answered her question, "who said I don't have my parents here? Mr and Mrs Singhania are my parents, who have always provided me with the best, even before I could ask. Their approval was what I needed, and I have it."

The reporter was about to interrupt when I said with a smile, "No, I am not yet done answering your question. If you are talking about the approval from my birth parents, yes, I do have their approval!" I slightly turned towards Arush and said, "As per my parents' journal, the day before my parents' accident, they were both discussing that Arush should be their son-in-law when we both grow up and wished that we handle the project Aaradhya together. They somehow had the gut feeling that we are soulmates, when we were just kids."

Arush came and stood beside me placing a hand on my waist and spoke into the mike, "Let me give you the last answer for the day, you have got it wrong here, this wedding isn't a part of the merger, because this isn't an arranged marriage, atleast from my end. I have fallen in love with this beautiful lady here, the first time I saw her four years ago. It took me four years to reach her finally, very unexpectedly, a surprise from my mom. I believe I managed to woo her on our first meet itself!" he winked at me. I blushed at his words and got down the dais.

The reporters were moving out when I called Mr Sandeep Varma, to stay back for a moment. When everyone left the room, I turned towards Mr Sandeep Varma and said, "I would have never explained myself to anyone ever, but you dared to write your own cooked up story about my family, without even an ounce of reality in it. You have tried to defame my family today, putting dirt on someone seems easy for you, but imagine what if you are on the other end of the pointer. I guess by now my lawyers must have sent the legal notices to your channel and you, regarding the attempt of defamation of the Malhotras' and the Singhania's. And don't forget to give a warning to your elder brother on behalf of me, who dared to breach my privacy."

He was about to say something when I turned away from him and informed Arush that I will be waiting in his cabin. I left from there and once inside Arush's cabin, grabbed a water bottle from his mini refrigerator and gulped its contents at once. I kept roaming around the cabin, when I saw Arush coming inside. He locked the door behind him and took me in his arms and said, "Calm down, Love. I know how difficult this must have been for you today. I am so proud of you, Love. You have handled everything with a grace, just like a Queen!"

LOVE OR ARRANGED ?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora