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I woke early to go for a jog before reaching the hospital. I am actually scared of everyone's reaction in the family, after they get to know about my decision. Workout or an early morning run helps me always to calm my mind. I return home after an hour and get ready for my day. I choose a black chiffon saree with a maroon self-embossed blouse. Black is always my safe and comfort color. I tie my hair in a French plait, as it helps to put my long hair in place and doesn't distract me in the hospital. I put my matching wedge heels and walk downstairs along with my bag.

I go to the pooja room where Mami is doing the Aarthi and stand beside her look at the Krishna idol. I close my eyes and pray, "Please be with me today and help me convince everyone for my decision." I quickly eat my breakfast and ask Minnie if she can go with Mamu as I need to be early to the hospital today. She said an ok and I left promising Mamu to reach the office by 11a.m.

I walk towards the car and was about to enter, when I see Popsy and Nani getting out of their car. I say a quick hi to them and was about to start, when Nani come towards me and says, "Try to reach the office soon, Sweety but don't hurry and drive fast." I give her a hug and leave from there to the hospital. I check on my in-patients and send the details regarding the patients that can be discharged today, to the administration department so that they can follow-up the process. I was about to move to my cabin when I see my colleague, Dr. Raj, Pediatrician, come towards me inform that the meeting is going to start soon. I turn off my mobile and walk along with him to the conference room.

After some time, the board of directors and the hospital dean, enter the room and start the meeting. "Good morning, everyone! Today we are here to inform you that our assistant dean, Dr. Kiran, after his selfless services to this hospital and trained many students at our medical university who are now very reputed doctors, has decided to take an early retirement to move to his hometown with his family. I know it is really sad to see such a humble soul not working amidst us, but his services are always valued. We are going to host him a grand send-off party on this 30th which is going to be his last working day here."

"Now coming to another point that is to be discussed is who is going to be the next assistant dean fulfilling the role of Dr. Kiran. The board of directors and I are in a fix about choosing one among two persons. The eligible candidates are Dr. Virendra and Dr. Aadhya. We are confused on how to choose one of them, if it is through a voting process, an interview or an exam. The mode of selection is going to be announced soon." I was shocked to hear that coming from the Dean. "Do any of you have questions or suggestions regarding this?"

Dr. Virendra spoke, "I appreciate that you have considered me Dr. Harshavardhan, but when I am almost 10 years senior to Dr. Aadhya, why is there going to be a competition between us both when I am the one with a higher experience. No offense Dr. Aadhya. I am not criticizing you; I am just putting my doubt in front of everyone."

I smiled and replied, "None taken Dr. Virendra. In fact, I do agree with you. Dr. Harshavardhan, here we have a very much experienced doctor than me and I guess choosing him without considering me is a really good option." He sighed and replied, "I do understand what you both say, but irrespective of the seniority, both of you are equally skilled and that is why we are having this discussion today. We will mostly have a written exam and then an interview. I wouldn't recommend the voting procedure as we are not doing politics or business here. So, let us all meet same time, next Monday to decide when and how the selection procedure is going to be done," to which all the board members agreed and left wishing us luck.

I check the time and see it is already 10:40 a.m. and went to our HOD to take permission to leave for the day as I don't have any appointments today. I instruct my assisting nurse to call me if there is any emergency case and take appointments for tomorrow in case of non-emergency. I start from the hospital at 10:50a.m. and the traffic delays my arrival at the Singhania corps. I look at the huge building standing in pride in the heart of the busy city. I ask the receptionist for Minnie, and she asks if I have an appointment, as nobody knows me. I ask her to check with Minnie once and she immediately dials Minnie's personal assistant, asking my name and after a minute asks me to take the private elevator to the 18th floor.

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