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It was an exhausting day at the hospital today, but I love my profession way too much. I return home only to find it very quiet. I go to my room to change and come downstairs only to find Rani, our maid arranging the evening snacks. "Hey Di! Where's everyone? The home seems pretty silent today. Didn't Minnie return from work?" I ask Rani di.

"Oh, Aadhya! You have returned early today. Minnie didn't return yet from her work. And everyone is on the terrace. They have been pretty seriously discussing something since your Mamu and Grandpa returned from their meeting. I'm just about to take snacks for them. Do you want me to get your juice to the terrace?" asked Rani di.

"You know what, I'll take the snacks upstairs. Just give me the juice too and don't prepare the dinner. I'm planning to take everyone out for dinner tonight. So, you should go home and get some rest. Take a break and go out for a movie with Ravi bhayya."

"Are you sure Aadhya? You may need Ravi to drive if you are planning to go out," Rani di said.

"Nope. I'm pretty sure. You need to take some time off too. And we can drive ourselves you know. So just leave now," saying so, I started to climb the stairs to the terrace with snacks for everyone. As I reached the terrace, I see everyone in a serious discussion and a very happy expressions on Nani and Mami's faces. They stopped their discussion and acted casually as soon as they saw me. I mentally roll my eyes at them. Come on guys, you need to learn some acting skills. It's very obvious from your expressions that you don't want me to listen to whatever you were discussing.

"Hey Sweety! When did you return and how come you are home early from your work today? No patients to torture with the medicines?" asked my Mamu.

"You should blame Mami for that. She asked me to come early so that we all can go out together and now she didn't even check if I came home early or not in her excitement about whatever you guys were discussing until I entered. By the way, how was the meeting today with the MK groups?"

"Oh my god! Did the sun rise from the west today that Sweety has not only returned home early from hospital but also taken interest in the company meetings too?" jokes Popsy. I understood that he successfully dodged my point about their discussion and tried to divert the topic. So, I too let it be as they would definitely inform me if I should know about it.

"The meeting went pretty well, and the merger has been officially signed today. But there are few documents which you and Minnie have to sign on Monday. Hopefully you will be able to make some time to come to the office," informed Mamu. Before Mamu can continue further, Nani interrupted him saying, "Of course, they will come on Monday. Sweety, I want you to take a day off on Monday."

"I really want to, but I have a meeting scheduled for an hour at the hospital with the board of directors and the hospital dean. It should be done by 10:30am and maybe then I can directly reach to the office after that."

"That should work for us. I'll make sure our legal team is there by 11 so that we can get everything done as soon as you reach. In between where is Minnie? She said she will ask you to pick her when we asked her to come along with us after the meeting," asked Mami.

"I don't know Mami. I didn't get her call. I sometimes don't get signals in the hospital. Maybe I missed her call. Let me text her right away," saying so I grab my mobile from the coffee table to drop a text to Minnie.

"This girl never changes. I ask her to be responsible and inform if she is late. But no. She loves to increase my blood pressure every day. Don't know what she is going to do once she gets married. You don't just change overnight," angrily mutters Mami looking at Mamu who looks everywhere but towards her as he knows he is really responsible for Minnie's careless behaviour sometimes. 

But that's not what caught my attention. Mami never talks about Minnie's marriage and says there is a long time to discuss it and never lets anyone talk too saying it should just happen in a flow. So, hearing that coming from Mami has created some doubt in my mind if they are discussing Minnie's wedding when I entered.

Looking at my confused expression Nani immediately said "Ankitha, you worry way too much dear. Let's not put our worries in front of our children." Mami was startled as if she just realized I am there too and immediately asked me, "So what do you want for dinner Sweety, I will ask Rani to prepare it right away. Did Minnie reply to your text?"

"I have asked Rani to leave early today as I want us all to go out for dinner today. It's been so long since we went for a dinner together," I informed them.

"Yeaahhh, we should definitely go out tonight. I'm craving for some outside food," shouts Minnie as soon as she enters the terrace. Mami looks at her seriously and was about to ask something while Minnie decides to interrupt her mom. "Oh, no mom, please don't start your lecture now. I came long ago after calling Sweety multiple times but couldn't reach her and straight away went to sleep when I didn't find anyone at home. I left my mobile in silent mode since the meeting and that's why didn't reply to Sweety's text too which I just saw after waking up."

 And here is the drama queen who took advantage of my alert message regarding Mami's anger and cooked up a nice story but what shocks me is her face which looks like she really slept or wait.. did she cry by any chance? This girl can do any kind of drama and get away from her mom but I know there is something which she has to tell me yet but pleads me with her eyes to act along.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I missed your call, Minnie. I've been in the rounds the whole day and you know the network drops at some places in the hospital. The next time drop a message so that I get a notification as soon as I get the network back," I cover up for my bestie, of course she has to face my wrath later but hey, I need to protect my bestie first.

"Good then, it's decided we are going out for dinner. Anjali dear, come let us get ready for a romantic date night," flirts Popsy with Nani. Oh my, these guys give total couple goals to everyone around them. They set an example that love doesn't go away as you grow old, but it increases with your age if you have an understanding life partner. They have been through their ups and downs, but they have really come through strong, out of all the difficulties they faced, by just being there for each other and holding unto the other one at every point of their life.

I come out of my thoughts hearing my Nani say, "Shut up, Atul! You are turning shameless day by day. You don't even care if your children and grandchildren are present."

We all laughed and shouted, "But you love this attention Anjali dear!"

With that everyone left to their rooms to get ready and I asked Minnie to stay back. I hold her hands and ask, "What's wrong Minnie? I know you have not been yourself for the past few days but I wanted you to have your own space. Is everything ok? Do you want to share anything with me? You know you can tell me anything and it stays only between us."

"Of course, I know I can tell you everything Sweety. I'm just exhausted from all the meetings and want to chill for some time. The merger has been pretty hectic and it has taken my beauty sleeps too. And as for why I have returned late, I forgot my mobile in the office when I reached half way almost. And then when I returned to grab it, it was already switched off. I was so frustrated and went to grab a hot chocolate, when I happened to run into one of my school friends. We talked for a while before I realized that it was late and hurried back. So I immediately went to fresh up when I didn't see anyone and came upstairs. You know how mom gets worried for nothing," she tells me looking at our hands.

I know she isn't telling me the truth as she has the worst habit of looking at her hands whenever she lies. I didn't want to ponder much on the situation and asked her to get ready while I left to my room. She looks like she cried but I don't understand what the reason could be, as she shares everything with me. Maybe I should leave this topic for now and give it some time. I should probably take her for lunch tomorrow to have proper besties talk.

LOVE OR ARRANGED ?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora