part-43(leap of 2 months)

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It's been 2 months since teja started preparing for neet n kk was now all fine n today he was going to join back hospital n his office...

N is this two months they have become more closer n kk has fallen hard for teja ..n even teja but both r waiting to know each other feeling...

Kk: teja u will take care of urself... n will have food on time n will only study..

Teja : Karan u have said this to me now 10th time ... I will take care don't worry... n now go..

Kk: ok I m going bye ...

Teja: Karan say I m coming soon ..

Kk: ha baba I m coming soon ... n take care...

He gave her a forehead kiss n was going..

Teja: Karan...

She ran towards him hugged him she was having tears n kk holds her tightly

Kk:what happened teja

Teja: I will miss u come soon...

With this she gave him a kiss on cheeks n both blushed...

Kk went to hospital n teja started reading but door bell rings n helper opens it n it was a girl...

Girl: hello

Helpers: how may I help u...

Girl:where is kk call him tell his his Shamita is here...

Helpers : mam Karan sir is out but mrs kundra is there if u want I will call her...

Shamita though Mrs kundra means Karan's mom..

Shamita: sure..

Helper: mam have a seat

Then Helpers went to study room n informed Teja...

Teja: ok I m coming...

As Teja came down she had a question mark on her face ...

Shamita: u what r u doing here..

Teja: whatever I m doing non of ur business...n y the hell r u here...

Shamita: because it's my bf house...

Teja: n who the hell Is ur bf...

Shamita: Karan kundra

Teja: ohh.. is it ... but miss Shamita I m very happy to inform u that he is my husband .

Shamita: this can not be truth.....

Teja: but it is...

Shamita: yyyy.. y do u come between everything before I thought to be with abhi but u his sister did let him b with him but u can not do anything ... I will take my kk from u ...n how much money he gives to make his bed hot ... with how many members by the way ...

Teja was listing all.. n was having tears..

Shamita: kk will leave u like he will use u ...n what u think about urself... u r such an asshole... like u didn't even care for ur brother n ran back of money...

Teja was having tears in her eyes ...

Before she could say anything....

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