part-79(omi what happened)

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Kk: omi what happened...

Omi : bhai I had done her some blood test n in test it came that from past 8 to 9 days she is having pills...

Kk: pills which pills...

Omi : depression pills..

Kk: whatttt...

Omi: yeah ...

Kk: omi ... I destroyed her life omi ...

Omi: bhai not now ... it's not the time to think all this ... now we have to work on her health... so not now ...

Kk: omi ....

Omi: bhai u have to face everything u can't run of...

Then they came out...

Td: omi when will teja get up..

Omi: hm in another hour ... but before that bhai needs to inform u all few things..

Kk: dad papa

Kk kept hand on both of there shoulders but both took it off ...

Kk then continued

Kk: I m sorry it's My mistake... I thought she just told to scare me but .... I m sorry I didn't do wantedly I love her more then anything n I could not proctor her .. I m sorry... n I need to inform u all that from past 8 to 9 days she is taking depre  ..ssion  pills

Kk told everything n fall on his knees joining his hands...

Kk: I m sorry... please forgive...please..

Td n kd holds him n takes him up...

Kd: son we r not telling its ur mistake... I m surely upset with u for running away but at least understand her too she is very small sunny...u have to have lots of patience because it's her age... n She have seen lot of things in such a small age ... u have to be very soft with her sunny...

Kk: I know Dad I m sorry I will never ever do something like this again...

Kk asked sorry from everyone...

N then kk..

Kk: mom maa dad papa if I say u all the reason I fighted with her u will also scold her ...

Kk then told everything...

Km: let her get up I will hold her ears today ...

Td: my princess is thinking to back out..

Then after sometime they were seating n kk was standing in front of her room ...

Td kept hand on his shoulder..

Kk: dad..

Td: Karan do not think that it happened all because of u's somewhere our mistake to that we could not make her understand that her life is changed... ur anger is fully correct Karan...but don't run away...

Kk: I promise dad...

This is only for the people who commented like u guys have really made me feel very good thank u so much

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