part-85(Karan ur r our hope)

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Kk: papa what r u doing.. do not please... n I m sorry for not being her support ... for not being there for her some where I failed papa...

Td: no Karan ... it's not ur mistake ... n please now it's u only to bring my princess back like she was before...I only have one hope which is u please be with her...

Kk: yes papa ..

Kk: and mom ... I thought u r being with her as a support as a friend but I was wrong... u were with her as a brainwasher... y do u think that girls have no dreams....she already had done a lot ... she didn't have a choice to choose  to study or get married... she could not even choose her husband to ... what else u need her to do...what else she should do mom... y will she leave her dreams..  n y the hell u r talking like this... what is her age ..  in her age we didn't even have knowledge of love but she is married... don't u think of becoming her support rather then becoming the reason of her depression   .. I m sorry to say u didn't even lose ur son u lost ur daughter to..  do u think she will forgive u .. do u think she will trust me now  . .. because she will think I will force her for baby ... n I lost her trust n its all because of u mom because of u ..  she is ur daughter only right...

As soon as kk told everything... someone from back turned him n slapped him harder...

Kk: maa..

Km: sunny this is how I teached u to talk with anyone..  n how dare u to speak like this ..

Kk: maa please listen to me once ...

Kd had just came  .

Kd: what is happening...

Kk: dad ... thank God u r here ..  I wanted to say everyone everything...

Km: what u will say I heard everything...

Td: u don't know anything... let him speak first...

Then kk told everything n km n kd were shocked....

Km : what the hell is all this n what r u trying to do....

Tm: I m sorry .. I was just trying to save her relationship... I don't want her to grow because if she grows in life they will surely get far  ..  I just wanted her to give effects in this relationship... I don't want my daughter to suffer anymore..

Guys respons is decreasing....r u all liking the story or no ...please do comments

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