part-54(i m left alone)

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As soon as kk came back he saw one of tejas friend has kept hand on her knees as they were seating n was talking with her very closely...

Kk anger boiled he some how controlled n went towards soon as he saw teja he figured out that she is uncomfortable..

Kk: tejaaa..

Teja: sunny...

Kk: come let's go...

Teja: y...

Before teja could say anything kk holds her hand n then they start going not Before kk warning the guy who made her uncomfortable...

As they reached in car kk started driving with out talking...

N teja too didn't talk as she was scared of kk...

Kk didn't take her home but they started to go towards hospital...

Teja: sunny were r we going...

Kk: hospital...

Teja: sunny...

Kk: hm..

Teja: please talk to me..

Kk: tejasswi y did u do that...

Teja : what did I do ... n y r u calling me tejasswi...

Kk: y the hell did not u push the guy ... y the hell u let him touch u .. yyy...or is it u were enjoying... u wanted it ...

As soon as kk told he regret it ...kk looked towards teja who was having tears in her eyes n she just turned her face toward window...

Kk:teja .. I m sorry I didn't mean that...

Teja: Mr kundra drive...

Kk: teja...

Teja then didn't say anything n kk too didn't say anything...

Soon they reached hospital n kk told teja to go to his cabin as he had to attend a patient...

Teja started to go towards his cabin but stopped as she had abhi's cabin key which she had made pendent ... she took it out went towards his cabin...

Teja just went took abhi's photo

Teja: bhaiiii.....

Tears started falling from her eyes

Teja: bhai y .. y me bhai... y do not Karan trust me..or may be he wants to get away from me ...n that things which Shamita told that say ... ahh bhai .. I m left alone... u know today Karan didn't keep my respect... today I felt some break my heart... today I want u beside me bhai... y the hell everything happens with me ... ahh..

Teja was saying all this while crying a lot n she slept there itself..but someone heard it ...

What do u guys think who heard it... comments down

N I m sorry everyone I m not updating because I m out of station but will try to update...

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