part-159(babies here)

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It was Friday...n today it was raining very heavy and everyone were stuck at where they were ... even they put red alert...

From morning teja was feeling little pain but she ignored..

Right now everyone were seating in hall n kk was holding teja from back..

They were talking n doing random things..

Km: teja baccha u r fine..

Teja: yes mom...

Kk look towards her n then towards km...

Tm was in room ...n when she came she saw tejas was looking hard ...she went near teja n touched it ...

Teja: what happened Maa..

Tm: nothing .. just waiting to see them...

Tm moved aside n she was looking tensed...kk saw it n told km to be with teja n he moved towards Tm...

Kk : Maa r u fine..

Tm: Karan teja will have pain very soon how will we take her to hospital...

Kk: r u sure

Tm: yup ..

Kk:mom still 2 days are left for her due date...

Tm: Karan I m sure

Kk : then what should we do..

Tm: listen u do her delivery n we will wait for her pains n what if till then rain stops we'll n good if not we will do it in home

Say her Dr n omi to come here only with all the things required it will be a second safeguard we will have..

Kk: yes we can do that ..thank u maa

Kk informed this to them n now he was also nervous

Soon kk went to get soup for her n she was walking with td kd...

Km was talking with Tm where Tm told everything to her n she was also scared..

Teja had soup very little n her pain was increasing little by little...

Kk was making her walk n then sit ups

Kk: yes baby do it ..

Teja: I m tired I want to seat now...

Teja was going to seat when her water broke...

Teja: ahhh sunny ahhh nooo ahhh ...

Kk was with her n as soon as he saw her like that he picked her up n went in room made her lye n at that time omi n Priya too reached...

They ran In there room...

Kk: dr Priya...come soon do it .

Teja : Priya can sunny do please...

Priya:  go ahead Dr Karan I m here only...

Kk: r u sure teja..

Teja: more then my life...

Kk: push baby..

Teja:  sunny I can't ahhh...

Kk: push jaan just think how will they look n r they boy or girl..  Try baby ..


She pushed harder n with that one baby came...

Priya then took the baby ... n

Kk: push please... u can't give up ...push..

Teja again pushed..


N then there were crying sound all over in room not only babies were crying but tejran n there parents too...

Teja: sunny girls or boys..

Kk: one princess n one prince jaan...

Teja then closed her eyes as she was feeling very tired ..

Omi checked the babies n then gave it to kk ..

Kk took them in his hand n took them out ...

Km: she is just like teja...

Tm: n he is like Karan...

Soon after sometime teja opened her eyes...n saw kk near her...

Kk: baby thank u ...this feeling is something else only ..

Teja: where... r...the..y.

Kk: see at ur side jaan...

Teja turned n saw n tears started falling from her eyes n then soon there parents came in room..

Km:teja how r u baby..

Teja:after seeing the best...

Kk: so I have decided the names of our babies..

Kd: so say it louder n proudly...

Kk picked baby boy n kept it in tejas arms n he himself picked the baby girl ..

Kk: so the name of our princess is tanu

Teja: tanu Karan kundra...

Kk: nope wrong... it's tanu tejasswi Karan kundra...n our prince name is ... abhi tejasswi Karan kundra...

As soon as he told tears fall from his eyes... ..

Teja: thank u sunny thank u ...

Kk: thank u ... not me it's the best thing I can ever get that to on my birthday...

Teja: what .. oh shit I forgot I thought it's in next 2 days...

Kk: the babies were born on 12:11 on date 11:10: 20..

Teja: happy birthday jaan I m sorry

Kk: it's the best birthday...

They are forever together...

Very emotional while ending this feels like ahh it's ah daily routine to write this story .... was avoiding to write this part from morning because I was not able to ... thank u everyone for ur support n love ... do suggest what u all want for next story ...

Meet u soon with another story...

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