part-72(teja say it out)

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Teja: nothing..

Kk: teja just say it out...

Teja:  ohh... hm that ..... I don't want to become Dr n I don't want to continue the studies... n I even don't want to be the second ceo of the company....

Kk: what the hell  ... stop joking teja...

Teja: I m not joking...

Kk was in shock...

Kk: teja did any one say anything did something happen...

Teja:  nothing..

Kk: teja look in my eyes please...

Teja:  Karan I know u r not happy with me .. I just want to give my 100 percent in out relationship n I just want to focus on us ... n I know it's a shock but Please understand..I can't lose u ...

Kk:teja teja what r u talking... n who the fuck told I m not happy ... n what's all this I want to give 100 percent... did I say u I m not happy no right did I say u r not giving 100 percent no right...then who the hell u thought all this ... can't u see my efforts to make u comfortable...y can't u understand that I m happy n I want everything to go as it is going n what the hell is u do not want read ...Do u think its a joke teja many r willing to read n when u r getting u r disrespecting it ... I don't know what happened if I have done something wrong then Please forgive Me n u hurted Me a lot teja ... don't u think I tried to explain u everytime...don't u think that I too need u to understand me without I say whatever u want never ask Me from today...

Kk just got up n walked out from home ...

Teja who was going through all the words of kk seating there ....

Tears started falling from her eyes she started realizing her mistakes..

Teja to herself:  shit what did I do ..  he always cared about my comfort but I took him wrong thinking he is not happy n he went off... he left me all alone... no no no he can't leave me...

Teja took her phone and dial his number but He cut the call...

She waited for him..but he didn't call nor he messaged...teja even asked in hospital that he came there but he didn't...

A fear of losing him started to come over her ...

She then again waited... but no use ...

But then

Hello everyone I have seen u all r not commenting nor liking....please guys I m also putting my time in writing this please at least just a small response...

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