part-71(teja left?)

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Kk to himself:  shit yar I did the biggest mistake... where is she ... I hurted her she is angry with me that's y she slept on sofa ...yarrr ... I have to explain her everything... but It's my mistake I know  ...

As he turned to get up he saw juice n tables kept there little smile came on his face he took the tables n drank the juice n then went got fresh...

As he came down no one was present he started searching teja sweat started coming from the thought she left him.

He came near study room n saw her ... he just ran towards her n pulled her n hugged her. ...

Teja: what happened...

Kk: I thought u left Me...

Teja: hm ok..

Kk: teja can we talk...

Teja: first lets have breakfast then...

Kk: hm ok...

Then they both went down n both sat on dinning table because teja had already prepared n kept there...

They started having when kk needed curd so he went to bring .... while coming his eyes fall on food which was untouched..

Kk to himself:  she didn't eat dinner yesterday.... yar why don't this girl take care of herself....

He came out n then didn't say anything both finished Breakfast ...

Kk: come I want to talk..

Teja: hm..

Both went towards balcony of there room...

Kk: teja I m sorry for yesterday... I was coming  home but on the way I met My classmate.. he drag me ...I m sorry..

Teja: its ok Karan...

Kk: teja look at me what's the matter please say..

Teja saw him with tears in her eyes.

Kk: teja...

Teja: do u have any idea Karan how much I was scared... u just went with ur friend u just had informed me but u didn't even pick my call..n up of that u drank ... it's fine but after drinking u drived alone... like what if something wrong would happen....I can't lose u Karan now it's only u that I have ...

Kk hugged her tightly  ...

Kk: shhh.... I m here only .. I m sorry I will never do this thing again I m sorry but can u say me one thing y didn't u have ur dinner yesterday...

Teja: how do u know... I mean ..

Kk: say it out..

Teja: that hm I got angry on u ...

Kk: r u serious...

Teja: sunny please na..

Kk:n say me one more thing what's going in ur mind..


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