part-147(she js unlucky)

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Kk too went down with some papers in hand...

Kk: dad ur papers are ready ..

Td: thank u Bata...

Bua: what papers which papers...

Td: oh I was making all my properties on tejas name

Bua: what are u out of ur mind...

Td: what's the problem..

Tm: it's not her property it's abhi's property n he will come back u see he will..

Td: did I ask u what to do what not ... no nor u nor anyone else can stop me for what I want to do..

Bua: u have lost brain bhai...she is already having everything more then anything... u just give everything to me because it's my property too u just can't give her everything...

Td: no stay away ...

Bua went hear teja...

Bua: u bitch y ur eyes are all our happiness first u took away our son...n now everything..

Bua was about to slap her but kk holds her hand n pushed her..

Kk: y do u always want to hurt my wife what did she do to u ...

Bua: u don't know how unlucky she is u are simply making her drama queen...she is just mad at money...I just want her to die...
Kk: buaaaa...don't cross your limits.

Bua : y r u fighting for her I m saying u once more she is unlucky n she deserves to die..

Teja: Bua what the hell do u think urself  .. what did I do to u ...

Tm :teja u have to die ... I want my abhi back I want him..

Td: u want ur son back but y r ready to lose ur daughter... n from when this stupid things started coming in ur mind... abhi is no more n that's the truth... u should be grateful of her... but here u want to kill her... y because of my soo called sister.. I never thought u ..u will do something like this... what the hell did teja do to u ... what did she do....

Kk: dad she will not say that way wait let me call omi n tell him to do one thing..

Bua: ohhh what can u do ... try harder...

Teja: what did I do to u ... in fact I never liked to talk to u because u didn't give me respect I keep myself away y ..
What the hell did I do to u .... n mam only u r suffering after bhai left us no right n we all miss him..but m I not ur daughter...what did I do ..n Maa u r educated not like her ... y do u want to do .yyy.

Teja started crying..kd n km holds her n made her seat...

Kk had told omi to do his work... n soon Bua's phone rang...

As Bua picked the call  she started sweating...

Bua: what noo... this can not happen ...who did it...

On call : Mr Karan kundra...

Bua cut the call n looked towards kk and was about to say something when her phone again rang...

Bua: ha baccha...

Her daughter:  mom mom they have removed me from clg n even band me from the other clg...

Bua could not say anything she looked toward kk  m kk was having smile

As she cut the call she went n was about to slap when a harder slap was on her face she saw up n was shocked to see teja slapped her..

Teja:I might be quite for myself but for my husband I m not I m very very dangerous n how dare u to even think to hurt him...

She holds her neck..

Kk: teja leave jaan see I m fine..

Teja:  no let's end this story

Kk came n pulled her back n he hugged her..

Bua: u u can't be doing this  ... how dare u to destroy my husband company..n u destroy my daughters career..

Kk: when u could not think y will I.. I m  very dangerous u woke me up  .. just say me reason before I make ur life hell..

Bua: she is the reason ...

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