VEGAS - TANKHUN (Forbidden Crush)

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WARNING ⚠️ :- <romantic relationship between cousins>

Living in the main family is not as easy as it seems.........and for Vegas it is not less then living in hell. Since his father, kun has gone outside the country he left Vegas and Macau to the main family saying Vegas need to see how kinn manage to works like that and always get what he wants.

It is not even one day yet and here Vegas can't even sleep at night feeling awfully irritated and uncomfortable as he went out the room to walk around ntocing how everyone is asleep in the middle of night while he is only one who is awake.

Vegas went towards the kitchen but got stopped in the middle by a sound coming from the room where he is standing. Not knowing whose room it is he went inside and notice complete darkness and no light not even the bedside light.

He looked at the room for a second before he again hear the sound which how he can recognize well is about crying of someone. He went towards the noise and notice a body curled by the corner of room as the person kept crying not knowing that someone has entered his room.

Vegas went towards the person as the person heard the footsteps and look up making Vegas gasp shock as he whisper exclaimed.


Tankhun who still didn't understood that Vegas is the one standing in front of him, he just make a grabby hand motion in front of Vegas while saying.


And that made Vegas know that khun is thinking of him as arm. Seeing how tankhun was making a grabby hand motion towards him, he picked up khun who immediately snuggle in his neck while hugging Vegas.

Vegas took khun to the bed while carrying him in koala style as khun just kept whimpering in his neck. Soo Vegas found himself sitting on the bed with a very tired and sleepy Khun in his lap.

Vegas sighed thinking about his fate as he take a look at khun who is dozing off on his chest, plump red lips by bitting them to keep the noises down, swollen eyes of crying, red face of tiredness, teary eyes who are tired of looking at the same nightmare, fragile frame which is begging to held in a warm embrace, enough to make anyone melt down.

Khun kept his head on Vegas's chest not knowing he is Vegas cause of dark room and his tired mind. He just kept hugging Vegas tightly as he whisper in tiredness.


Vegas, not knowing what to say to not let khun know that it is not arm, just hummed.


"I am sleepy" tankhun said while blinking in tiredness as Vegas look at him for a second before whispering in his ear.

"I will take care" and tankhun just sleep, completely trusting him, knowing very well how much khun means to Arm and how well arm take care of him with his boyfriend pol but what khun don't know is, it is not arm, it was never arm from starting.

Vegas lay tankhun down on the bed as he slid down beside him and cover both of them with a blanket just in case anyone will come inside to check on khun.

Vegas just kept thinking about the trust khun has on his bodyguard and for some reason it made him itch that despite him taking care of him, Khun thought that it was arm.

Not knowing that arm is standing outside khun's room as he tried to listen any sound from inside but listening no sound he thought khun is sleeping peacefully today so he went back to his room but not before peaking inside the room a second but still seeing nothing but darkness and silence, he went back in relief.

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