PETE - VEGAS (Heal You)

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WARNING ⚠️ :- <Dom/Sub>

You know, being sub is the most exhausting dream and the most haunting reality cause then whenever you listen a Dom's voice you always get ready obey like what? It is not like he or she owns you but is in your nature, natural response of you fuvking irritating true identity.

And boy if you have to hide it.........fuvk it!! cause then...shit! You have to resist the urge to stand down on your knees by pinching yourself, hurting yourself, harming your self.......whatever but just don't get caught, understand, like why did god even made them submissive when they can't even behave like that?

But doms?.......they are free to do anything, say anything, go anywhere, who cares? Cause they are not a sub........fuvk you!!


Anyways, let's get back to our story. The thing here is Vegas and Macau are living in main family, not Macau cause he lives with his boyfriends but Vegas do live with ask why?

Cause you see, the main family got to know about how kun abuse and blackmail Vegas - macau by the help of Kim, who wants his boyfriend safe and by the help of Chay who took risk of coming here to take out his boyfriend and vegas even though he is a sub. And yeah, Macau-Chay-Kim are boyfriends.

With all the evidence and everything main family backed up Vegas for killing kun with support and now you can say there is not much hard wall between both family. Vegas, after killing lives in main family mansion cause kun has so many allies which is obvious thag one of them will definitely attack Vegas so for his safety Korn decided that Vegas will live here. Khun also spend time with Vegas and kinn........well Vegas and kinn have quite a love-hate relationship. No, kinn does not tease Vegas of his work or his insecurities but he tease Vegas by.......

"why can't I go alone?"

"cause you are still a kid"


Now at this point where every bodyguards around them are trying to hide there laugh Vegas can't help but to look at kinn like as if kinn is mental.

"are you joking?"

"nope, and Pete is going with you"

This is the problem here, kinn talk to Vegas like as if Vegas is a kid, he agrees that he is the youngest in main family right now since Macau and chay is not here and he has gone through abuse but still.........this is annoying. Like he is an adult and he knows how to take care of himself OK, he has been taking care of himself for years till now.



"fuvk you"

"I didn't heard you"

And with that Vegas stomp outside Kinn's and his office.........well, he has to agree the way he got was seriously like a kid. Fuck!! Why is he behaving like a kid? Is it because he never got someone to take care of him and the sudden care made his sub and childish side to be shown? He-

"khun Vegas, are you okay?"

"Pete...................I don't doubt your loyalty to kinn but if you ran from there-"

"in dreams"

"...............good, let's go now"

"yes, khun Vegas"


"I am going"

"khun vegas-"

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