VEGAS - MACAU (My Omega Or Brother?)

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WARNING ⚠️ :- <romantic relationship between two brothers, incest, omegaverse>

Language :- this is the inner Identity line


"there he came. Here Macau"

"I passed"

"congratulations baby"

VEGAS KORNWIT THEERAPANYAKUL, the devil of mafia world, the ruthless 'cold blooded Alpha' heir of Theerapanyakul minor family, a complete psycho, has only one weakness............macau, his little brother, a submissive omega, a complete stubborn brat but the only safe zone of Vegas, the only person who can clam Vegas down in any situation and make him feral too if hurt macau.

Vegas and Macau are brothers with different dynamics. One is a dominant alpha while one is a submissive omega, one likes blood but other hates blood, one is completely impatient while other can wait for a whole life if wants, one likes to dominate while other hates to be dominated. Well...............this is how Vegas and Macau are and luckily they are living goodly otherwise in other houses, there would had been a war if one is completely opposite of other.

Vegas loves his baby brother very much, very much that he never shows his psychotic side in front of Macau, not even by mistake. Of course, Macau knows it is a mafia family and murders are common things here but he hates blood, he just hates it cause it makes him worried, worried for his brother.

His brother always has to hurt himself in order to protect Macau from their dad which makes Macau hate his own dad more but he can't do anything, he can't cause his hia wants him to have a great future, very great and bright future outside this bloody hell, which Macau hates to the core.

And since Macau hates his father, he mostly time stay outside the house when his hia is not home which is again a problem cause being an omega, kun don't allow him to walk around freely and become a Prey for their enemy, only to cause damage to their reputation................But - But, has Macau ever listen to anyone? No. Will he ever listen to his father? No and maybe that's why right now he is in a big trouble.



It is nothing new for Macau cause he knows Vegas can't stay at home everytime to save him from his father since Vegas is also a mafia and he has work too.

Knowing well that kun is very angry Macau just keep his mouth shut but he didn't expected to kun grabbing his wrist and dragging him to his bedroom as he closed the door from outside, locking Macau inside the room while he shouted.


And the last thing he heard was the faded footsteps of his father before he sighed and went to his bed only to find a glass of water on the nightstand. Having his throat dry after party with friends, he decided to drink the water and then laying down on the bed in tiredness.













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