PORSCHE - TAY (Tears Of Pretty Boy)

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Everything that porsche has till now are seriously dark, dark to the point that he has gotten used to it, ever since he came to Theerapanyakul main family's mansion.

His life itself is dark until he don't see his brother's smile but now he can't even see that and this.................this shitty, dark, mafia party is the last thing where porsche would want to come in his life but since he is Kinn's bodyguard, he has to come behind him to the party.

Porsche went outside to take some air after telling Pete, he was looking around until he saw a bright light..................he went towards it only to find a pretty boy looking at the moon with tears in his eyes.

God! No wonder he saw a bright light must be from this pretty boy...................wow! Cheesy enough!

Anyways........the main point here is, from when did porsche become gay? Like wasn't he straight? Guess it was 'was'..........not 'is'.......so maybe he is no more straight. Well..............Kinn's influence on him, not his fault.

Porsche turned around to leave without couldn't.....not after listening to the sniffle from behind him.

Porsche went to the pretty boy making the boy startle as he wiped his tears fastly before looking at porsche with a scowl on his face.

"what? What are you doing here?"

"..................you were crying"

"that doesn't have anything to do with-"

"you are eyes look broken"

"I don't need you to tell-"

"you are hurt and that's why you need to let someone hug you but you aren't trusting anyone here"

And that made the pretty boy burst into tears as he hugged porsche. And porsche?...............not knowing what to do, he just let the boy hug him before hugging him back and calming him down.

"my boyfriend cheated on me"

Hell! Now who the hell is that bastard that decided to cheat on this pretty boy.

Heck! If such pretty boy can be cheated too then porsche is going lose his belief in love for forever.

"he was a bastard"

............huff, at least he made the boy chuckle in such a Stary night. Must had been blessed by the god itself that porsche meet such a pretty boy.

"you are pretty and he is a bastard, I don't think this was even a pair from starting"

And he didn't expected the pretty boy to nod against his chest as he kept hugging porsche.

"I need to go inside. Thanks for today"

And the pretty left from there just like that, leaving porsche standing alone in the stary night as he curse himself.

"shit! I forgot to ask his name"

Porsche look at the bright moon for few minutes before wishing to see the pretty boy again. Although he never believed in wishes coming true, he wants this one to be true. Absolutely, definitely, completely true for God Damn Sake!!

He went inside to find Pete, big standing by the bar side, while ken and arm nowhere to see, maybe outside on another side and kinn standing with someone.

He went towards kinn as he stand behind him making kinn notice him. Kinn look at porsche before introducing the other person to porsche.

"tay, this is porsche. My new bodyguard and porsche, this is my childhood best friend - Tay"

"pretty boy"

Porsche mutter under his breathe before shaking his hands to the pretty boy 'tay' while tay wink at him before again continuing to talk to kinn without letting kinn notice it.

'a pretty name for a pretty boy'

Porsche thought to himself. Guess, he is going to stick around for a little more time, at least until he find himself a partner to take home to introduce the partner to Chay and maybe he has found it.

Hey guys 👋. Your author here. It is short but fluff filled.

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