ARM - VEGAS (Light Of Path)

877 27 9

It was not a surprise when Vegas and Pete had a breakup since they both are completely different from each other, even in thinking which is worse cause they both couldn't help but to think that they are suitable for each other. Beside, everyone will think like that if they fail the relationship even after ten tries.............

Maybe they were not meant to be, so they decided to end this burden on each other with a mutual understanding breakup after a long talk with each other while deciding to be friends till the end.

Vegas has always think lowly of himself but then Pete came into his life like a ray of light in his dark world and it was first time Vegas found that his surroundings are beautiful too. The last thing Vegas wanted was to break up with Pete but..............but somethings are not meant to happen.

Vegas decided to trust Pete which Pete returned but it was never love which was given or taken so why would they trap themselves in this spider we. Thinking that ending this will work, Vegas let Pete go just like Pete let him go but..............only Pete came out of that spider never came out. He got caught up so much in it that he lost himself somewhere in there.

It is Wednesday, the day when the Theerapanyakul family happens to have a lunch together. They could have let this tradition go too after korn and kun are dead but they decided not to, since it is only way they can meet each other.

Vegas has not eaten from three day which is a no problem since he didn't had any appetite and amazingly three days before Pete and Vegas also had a break up.............funny right?.............No, it is not cause Vegas don't have courage to face Pete. For him, he is the one who failed both of them in that relationship. Vegas can't face Pete like as if it is okay that they are friends now, no he can't cause it was him who didn't give his best, it was him who was the problem least for him.

So, instead of going for the lunch Vegas sit in his house, ignoring all the phone calls and words sent by them as he went to club in the evening to calm his mind.

Vegas drank until he couldn't even remember his own surrounding and didn't even realised when he step on the dance as he found a man coming towards him but his eyes were too blurry to even recognise who the person is.

"khun Vegas"

Khun? Is he someone sent by Theerapanyakul family? Who cares, Vegas is here to enjoy and he is going to which he did, he ignored the person only to get called more.

"khun Vegas, please come with me"
'shut up'

"everyone is worried about you"

"khun Vegas, everyone wants to check if you are okay"

"khun Vega- mmh~"

Shut up! That's what Vegas want you to do right now and if you won't..............then no problem, Vegas will himself make him shut showing him his kissing skill.

Vegas grabbed the man by his neck as he kissed him hungrily making the man kiss him back in defeat too until they both reach in an empty room.

"it is dangerous khun vegas-"

"are you here to kill me?" Vegas asked while taking off his clothes as he asked the man.

"no? Then come on bed. Either you kill me or you make me forget my existence" Vegas said as he took off the last piece of clothing before laying on the bed while motioning the man to come forward from his finger.

Luckily the man even listened and showed his perfectly built body before hovering above bottoming?......fine, it is not like it matters to Vegas anymore. He just wants to get away from reality, this way or that way.

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