VEGAS - KINN (My Husband? Devil? Yes)

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WARNING ⚠️ :- <romantic relationship between cousins>


"No. Way. In. This. Hell. World. You listen, Not. In. This. Life"

You want to know what is happening here?..........hehe, let me tell you. Vegas and kinn are respective heirs of Theerapanyakul family which is devided but their fathers decided to merge it so that it can became one............and for that they decided to marry Vegas and each other.....fuvk you guys!!

"No way pa"

"enough kinn"

"I order, didn't asked, Vegas"



"go on. Do anything you want. I. Don't. Care" Vegas said as he walk out of the office while slamming the door shut harshly making everyone there flinch.


"he will come around, let's prepare of wedding"

"yeah sure. Chan, tell everyone about this marriage"


"oh my, congratulations Mr. Korn and Mr. Kun"

"thank you"

"at last your both child's are married now"


"you have to give us a party"

"sure - sure"

Isn't it ironic that the person who got married isn't even happy but everyone surrounding them is happy...........Why the hell world did it even happen? In just two day they become enemy cousins to husbands........God! Give some power so that they both won't kill each other.

It is already night time as Vegas and kinn are getting ready for departure. Yes, they both are going to a so called honeymoon trip. You really think, by sending them on this trip will make them close..........No, listen carefully it is a big N.O. from Vegas side and even from Kinn's side.

"ready my childs?"



"believe me dear, right now you hate each other but after a while you won't. Give the fate a chance"

Oh......fate and chance? No way, it is going to happen. They would rather suicide than doing this.

"we will call you both everyday so don't even try to live separately"

What the fuvk is wrong with this household? Just why are they being so much weird continously?


"..........fine pa"

"now, you both go and enjoy your honeymoon trip, bye"


Guess, Vegas is not going to come around anytime soon. God knows what is going to happen in Paris. Hope it will not be mety of people just because of their anger.

"bye pa" In compared to Vegas, kinn is still good. Not accepting but still not showing anger here.

To be honest, if you look at kinn carefully, rather than angry, he is more confused cause even if they wanted the Theerapanyakul family to become one, they don't have to get marry, do they?

Kinn look at Vegas who is using his phone outside, wanting him to come inside so that they can go but he knows if he talked to Vegas right now Vegas is definitely going to start shouting here so it would be better if they talk after reaching there.

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