Chapter 2: Theo

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"Have you heard, the new girl is smoking hot," Tyler says, making me look up from my book. It is the first day of school. Chase and Nathan, my best friends are sitting on the table in front of me. I have a psychological thriller book on the desk in front of me, while I am waiting for the English teacher.

"New girl?" I question, looking at Chase and Nathan while they look at me. They both have a weird expression in their eyes. As if this was put in the school newsletter and I hadn't seen it yet.

"Haven't you heard?" Nathan says, he comes closer towards me, "Remember Mr. Lovells family moved here after he know."

I nod my head, still giving a confused look. Who would move their family to the place their loved one had been in an accident in? Personally, speaking I would try and avoid it but who am I to judge.

"Noah went to give them flowers yesterday when they arrived, because they are directly opposite each other. He basically said she was smoking hot," Chase whispers to me.

"Thanks," I say. They both still have a little confused look.

"How did you not know man, it has been the talk of the city," Chase says before putting his bookmark in the book he is reading. He closes the book before giving me his full attention. This city is more like a town but developed more like a city with the buildings and malls.

"I was busy with you know what, more like you know who," I say, they nod before the bell rings.

A new petite figure walks into the classroom with Emma. A figure I haven't seen before in the classroom or even in the city. She must be the new girl. I only remember meeting the new girl once before, but we were young, she seems to have grown.

"Does the new girl have a name?" I question, she is wearing blue high waisted ripped jeans with a top which is a cross over of a tube top and a tank top. The top sticks to her like a second skin. There is something off about her and the way she carries herself. My friends ignore my question as Nathan takes a seat in front of me and Chase takes on diagonal to me in the front.

"Is this seat taken?" Ashley asks, I look over at the seat and to her. Ashley has been trying to get my attention since fifth grade and she can't take a hint that I am not interested in her.

I put my bag on the seat, "It is now."

"Good morning students," Sir walks into the classroom, the new girl looks confused as everyone swiftly takes their seats, "Ahh, yes the new family."

"uhh, sorry that I am late," a boy walks into the classroom. The new girl turns to look at the boy.

"It is alright, Ella why don't you sit next to Theo and Dylan you sit next to Ashley," Sir says. The new girls name is Ella. Are the new student's siblings? They have to be, they only said one family.

Ella looks over at the classroom before making eye contact with me. I remove my bag from the chair and look outside the window another reason I love being by the window. You don't have to indulge in conversation. She takes a seat next to me. Her friend, Emma looks over at her before taking out her phone.

"Do you guys want to introduce yourselves?" sir asks.

"I think my twin would love to, considering he is a few minutes older than me," she smiles at the new boy. Whose name was Daniel? Danny? Dylan? Declan? Something with a D.

"Very funny sis," he laughs making everyone giggle or snort a laugh, "No thank you. I think my twin and I will pass."

"Alright," the teacher says before giving them a journal. The journal is supposed to be for writing homework down but majority of the time, most of us forgot about it. The teacher walks to the front of the classroom. Normally the grade tutor would give them the journal but I think the grade tutor's aren't at school today.

"I will get your test, let me quickly get them from the staff room," sir says before walking out the classroom. Is he talking about the exam from last year?

"Hi," Tyler introduces himself to her. Internally rolling my eyes, could the boy have not waited like I am sitting next to her, not him.

"Hi," she responds kindly. She puts her phone from her pocket on the table.

"The city isn't big but if you would like to get a tour, I do not mind being your tour guide," Tyler says before sending her a smile. He winks at her making her smile a little brighter.

"Can you stop flirting with my sister," a disgusted voice says, "or at least when I am not in the room."

Everyone bursts out laughing. A small smile plays on my lips.

"Sorry about him," she responds kindly with a genuine smile on her face.

"It is alright but here is my number if you ever want to take my up on my offer," Tyler hands her a piece of paper. He is such a pathetic flirt. Tyler walks away and back to his desk.

"You shouldn't text him, he seems too desperate," I tell her. I am trying to be kind; I mean after all her father has done for this city. I should return some of the favour.

"At least he was decent enough to greet me," she whispers as the teacher walks into the class again.

"You could have greeted me first," I answer, most girls want to be with me or charm me and she, what does she do? She is fighting with me on a guy I am just trying to help her out. The audacity of this chick.

"You didn't make eye contact with me when I took the seat, I took it as a sign you do not want to speak," she says, a moment of silence before she says, "was I right?"

Who does she think she is, reading through my expressions. I have always been illegible when it comes to reading myself for other people.

"Maybe," I say, as I take my pencil case out of my bag. In register no one had brought up the new girl.

I have a bad feeling about the new girl, her family seems fine but her. Something seems off and I want to know why. I will get to the bottom of why I feel uneasy in her presence. 

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