Chapter 23: Ella

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Today, Theo had asked me to a celebration at his house, I don't know if he assumes we are friends after he apologized but it is weird. What if he is pranking me? Can someone change because they fault guilty? I snap out of my thought's and read through my chat with Emma:

Me: Guess what just happened!

Emma: You kissed your dream man.

Me: No, guess again!

Emma: You found out Dylan is staying the night @ mine?

Me: No, but why didn't you stay at our house?

Emma: my parents want to meet my mate.

Me: Ooh!

Me: Remember protection is a thing!

Emma: Not happening when my parents are home!

Emma: What were you going to talk about?

Me: Theo asked me about a full moon celebration.

Emma: No! You should go, you might have fun.

Me: Have fun with the guy who called me sensitive?

Emma: Not like that, maybe he is trying to make it up to you.

Me: I lowkey feel like you are taking Theo's side in this

Me: What if it's a prank?

Emma: I didn't mean to sound like I am on his side...

Emma: I just wanted you to experience a full moon celebration...

Emma: Your dad would talk about it, and you never got to experience it.

Emma wasn't wrong. I could feel closer to dad, but I wished he could have been with me to experience it, to have had the chance to experienced it with me at one. We could have experienced it together, but dad is gone, and I have to face reality. One day, I need to let go of the dreams I had where father was in because he is gone. I finally type a response to Emma:

Me: Okay but what if it is awkward?

I turn my phone off, expecting no response any time soon.

I look up at a photo of Dad and I holding the first squash trophy I won. I had placed the photo in a gold photo frame with gold leaves as deco, but I made the frame turn to the ceiling. Someone moved the frame to be in the little part I made for photos of my family. I think it could have been my mom or Lucas when they dropped off another box in my room. The box is just sitting at the edge of the bed by my door. I haven't moved it yet.

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