Chapter 3: Ella

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The first day of school and I had not taken my concentration medication due to my mom needing to take me to get a check-up and to switch to a new doctor. I just hope they do not have to test me again. I barely remember getting tested in grade three, but I remember hating it. I hope it is just a check-up.

"Hey," Emma says. I am in my second period, and I already want to go home. I am trying to concentrate on the right thing like my schoolwork but the book I was reading last night was really interesting and I just want to read about it.

"Hey," I say, the teacher seems to not care about us talking while we do our work. A maths teacher who is chilled, I have never seen it before. The maths teacher is wearing a floral white dress. Her shoes are white sneakers.

"Do you understand what is going on?" she whispers to me as the teacher writes revision exercises for us to do on the board, "Like what we are doing?"

"The equations the teacher put up on the board," I whisper back. Emma bites back a laugh as she copies down the equations.

"Very funny but do you understand how to solve the equation?" She asks, making me look up at her in shock. She always got 90% for maths and now she is asking me what to do.

"Yes, and you're good at maths," I reply to her, while writing the answer for the equation I just did.

"Yes, but it is the first day back and I don't want to use my brain," she says in a little less quiet voice.

"Ladies, please quieten down," the teacher responds.

"Sorry ma'am," we say before quietening down. I carry on writing the equations and solving them in the book ma'am gave to me and my brother when we entered.

Maths hasn't been a problem for me, it is more English with all the camera angels and camera shots. The visual literacy always catches me out and I know it is a weakness for me.

One thing I miss from my old school, is the desks would be different shapes with a group of people with different colour chairs but here it seems every class has either have dark or light brown desks with black chairs and each person gets on desk, it's not where people share the desk. It seems very old fashion where my old school, they had changed their teaching techniques to adapt to our generation and not older generations.


"Hey, new girl," a guy with dark hair says.

"Hi," I say as I sit down. My mom gave me money to get food from the tuckshop. Emma took my money and her money; she combined the money and went to get us food for first and second break. She had advised me second break tuckshop lines are longer than first break. This school has actual benches unlike my old school. They made us sit on the benches or the floor. The benches are a dark blue.

"So, if you ever need a tour around the school, I am your man," he says, taking a seat directly opposite me.

"I thought Tyler would be the one?" I question, Tyler had already made his helpfulness and guidance clear in the morning before this dude.

"Yes, but he said the city, not the school," he winks before walking away.

"Two boys in one day?" Emma says before sitting where the dark-haired boy sat.

"Funny," I say before taking a chip from the packet she got, "What flavour is the dip?"

"Thousand islands, I know you love thousand islands on your chips," she says before taking a bite of her chip in her hand.

"Thanks," I say before biting into the chip.

"I still can't," Emma says with food in her mouth. She swallows before continuing, "believe you have Chase taking an interest in you."

"What is the big deal," I take a chip from the packet and dip it in the side source. The chip hadn't had sauce over it.

"Chase motherfucking Adalwolf," Emma says with a shock expression but in a duh-tone. I give her a confused expression, "Basically him, Nathan and Theo are like the three musketeers. Very few get their attention, no let me correct myself," she takes a bite of the chips, she slowly chews which annoys me a little because she was explaining and then stopped to eat. I take another bite of my chip. It is like she is chewing slowly for suspension at this point she slowly says before taking a sip of the cool drink, "no one ever captures their attention, besides"

"Very funny," I say, taking the bottle with a red liquid in it.

"Your juice is cranberry because I still remember how much you like it," Emma says as Cam takes a sit next to me. Cam's hair is in a bun and she is wearing blue tights with an oversized t-shirt.

"Ella and Dylan are the new talk in school," Rafael says as he takes a seat next to Emma.

"Why would we be the talk?" I question before taking sip of the juice.

"The new family who only comes here for holiday to visit because their father grew up here is now living here permanently and did, we mention that majority of them have good looks and figures," Cam says before taking a bite of their burger.

"Thanks, but you guys have better figures, I mean you guys look like gym rats," I say before taking another bite of my chips.

"Yeah, but we all do workout, either at the gym or early morning runs," Rafael says before taking a chip from Cam.

"Which gym do people from this school not go to? Or is the least popular?" I question, back home I would either be studying or in the gym or playing squash. I do not want to feel like I am loosing myself the person who was at my hometown but rather still try to hold onto her.

"I can take you to the gym later today," Emma says.

"Thank you," I say before we fall in comfortable silence due to eating and drinking.

I really hope I find a gym where no one from school goes or very few people go. I hope they will be one. 

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