Chapter 18: Ella

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"Mom, does grief ever get better?" I question.

My mother stops chopping the onions.

My alarm goes off for taking my concentration medication. I grab the glass I was using and refill it with water.

"It doesn't get better, you just learn to live with it better," my mother says, tears forming in her eyes.

I grab my medication put on the counter, my medication has to be in a place I can see it because if I don't see it, it isn't a thing almost like out of sight, out of mind.

I take on capsule out and close the bottle.

"Is this about yesterday and the nights you cry yourself to sleep," my mom says. I look at her with my medication in my left hand and the glass of juice in my right hand, my mouth is left slightly open.

"You knew I was crying at night?" I question, and she nods.

"A mother knows their child, if the mother is a good mother," my mom says. I swallow my medication.

"I'm still proud of you, you still go to school and try your best and sometimes doing your best is all that matters," my mother continues.

There is agony in her eyes. I feel bad for bring the topic up but I respect her for being strong for us, my siblings and I.

"Time does not heal everything, but you learn to live with the pain a little easier every day," My mother says giving me a side hug. I smile at my mother. I hope she is coping.

"Thank you, mom," I appreciate my mom being honest with me. She moves away from me and goes back to cooking.

"You are welcome, my beautiful daughter," my mother finishes cutting up the onion, I had interrupted her from.

A notification pops up on my phone from an unknown number:

Unknown: I wanted to apologize about being a jerk the past few days, I am sorry. It is Theo fyi.

How did Theo get my number? Did he get my number to prove how apologetic he is about the past few days?

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