Chapter 17: Theo

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I start typing a message to Ella:

Hey, its Theo. I wanted to say sorry about yesterday and the day before.

I press backspace until the whole message is gone. I begin to retype the message:

Hello. Its Theo, I just wanted to say sorry about being insensitive, I have no idea what you are going throw and I acted like a jerk.

I press back space again, until the message is deleted. The message sounded too formal. How do I sound sincere? I can't sound like a jerk again; she won't come with me to the full moon celebration.

Hi, I wanted to apologize about being a jerk. It is Theo, by the way.

Does the message sound sincere? Does it sound like I feel guilty?

"Why do you look like you are thinking too hard?" Nathan enters the room.

"Because I am," I retort, I want to get the message done and over with!

"You have a brain?" Chase says entering the room with popcorn in his hand and a shocked expression on his face.

"UGH!" I let an annoyed groan out. I put my phone on my lap. I move back against the sofa and put my hands over my head.

This is stressful!

If I ask my mother, father, Chase, Emma or Nathan for advice they will tease me. Dylan, Emma's brother, I finally remembered his name. He is suspicious of me, as any brother would be if any hot guy asks for their sister's number.

Someone moves closer to me; they grab my phone. I fail to get my phone out of their hands.

Chase reads my phone, "Need help texting Ella?"

I want to wipe the smug smile of off his face.

Nathan looks at me instead of the TV with excitement.

Ella and Theo sitting-

Chase and Nathan mind like to me.

I swear if you finish that sentence. I will kill both of you.

I mindlike to them, their expression changes from playful to scared.

"We were just teasing," they both say, with their hands down, like a dog looking guilty after being punished.

"But you just need to be relaxed when texting her," Chase adds, no longer feeling scared by my threat.

"How?" my voice comes out more excited than I intended it to be.

"Tell us again, you don't like this girl," Nathan butts in, taking a handful from the popcorn in Chases hand.

"I don't but I feel bad for how I treated her before," guilt displayed on my face and in my voice.

"What happened?" Chase raises his eyebrows.

"Remember, yesterday when they couldn't find Ella after English?" they nod at me, "Well, I asked Ella if she was okay but then she responded with why do I care. Like really now, I just asked a question but then when I was apologizing to her, I think I hit a stop because she ran out of English crying," I tell them, Chase throws my phone on the coach.

"I think yesterday was about 5 or 6 months since Mr. Lovell passed away," Chase informs us, "You might have brought up the wrong topic at the wrong time."

"I am soon to be the Alpha and I forgot about that," I face palm myself.

"Don't be to hard on yourself... you have to deal with duties and it slipped your mind," Nathan speaks as he chews the popcorn. It is not a pleasant site.

"How am I ever going to get her to go to the full moon next week?" I fall back onto the sofa.

"Maybe, we should think of a plan," Chase sits on the floor between where Nathan was siting, and I am sitting. 

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