Chapter 14: Ella

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Today has been a long day, it started with Theo being rude behind my back and then he was absent for English. The English teacher didn't seem surprised and now I am waiting for the bell to ring. I want to go home and Facetime Emma or hang out with Emma at her house while I do my homework.


The bell goes off. I grab my stationary on my desk and shove it into my bag. I grab my bag and swiftly put it on my back. I make my way towards the exit of the door with my bag on my back and my phone in my hand.

I turn my phone on and look at my chat with Emma. She had sent me three new messages.

Emma: we can do our homework at my house.

Emma: and we can do some studying.

Emma: I can make popcorn and afterwards we can watch a movie.

Me: Yes!!

Me: Can we walk to your house together?

I walk out of the classroom; I see Chase, Nathan and my brother talking.

'Mhmm,' comes from my lips as a person comes into my personal space.

"What," a voice like Emma says beside me, I look to my side to see Emma, "ooh."

"Lets go," I say, trying to ignore the conversation happening a few meters in front of me.

Chase and my brother make eye contact with me before I turn to look at Emma. I entwine our hands and force my focus to be one exiting the school.

"I should text my mom, I will be at your house," I inform Emma. She shacks her head, she takes my phone out of my hand.

"Want me to do it or you wanna do it," she questions.

"Either," I tell her, she nods her head. I press my thumb against the screen to read my thumb print, "You can put it on the family group chat."

"Okay," she says, typing away on my phone.


"Okay," I have a question, Emma starts as she takes popcorn into her hand.

"Okay..." I say between eating popcorn.

"If your brother and I date..." she slowly goes quieter.

"I think you guys are mates," I truthfully comment, the way they look at each other is how my father looked at my mother- I knew my father was a werewolf. I might not be able to transform in a wolf, but I get my ability to play squash for long from my fathers' genes. If it was not for my father's werewolf genes, I wouldn't be able to be as fit as I am. My father would always win in squash because he was a werewolf, and I am a half-breed werewolf.

"You miss him," Emma says, resting her hand on the lower part of my waist.

I nod my head, "You and my brother look at each other as if you guys are mates. Like my father looked at my mom."

My voice crack was the last straw before I break down.

Emma gets closer to me, making my head rest against her shoulder, "Let it all out."

I can't believe I still cry even after it being two months after his death. 

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