Ch. 4: School Supplies and Oatmeal

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"What! Really!"

"Yes Really!"

I nod, pulling my brother into a hug as he laughs out. I hear other voices beside us, mumbling to themselves as Shawn spins me around in excitement.

"Why don't we have a relationship like that?" I hear who I think is Cory ask as I pull away from Shawn.

"Disappear for a year and a half and we just might..."

I shake my head, not even looking towards the two brothers. Shawn runs his hand through his hair, his smile staying intact as he looks at me.

"So...are you staying for good?"

"Not technically...I'll still do jobs here and there through out the school year, but I'm home until next summer break!"

"That's great! I'm gonna go get my stuff!"


He rushes off, running his hand through his hair again before disappearing into the kitchen. Eric steps up as soon as he's gone, a smirk on his face as he leans in close to me.

"Hey...Stacy..." I offer a small smile, sticking my hands back into my pockets. "Since you're staying for a bit longer...maybe we can go out sometime?"

I nod, looking down at the ground before looking back up. This guy just...

"Listen...don't take this the wrong way thanks."

I shake my head, stepping back from him as Eric's smile falters. Cory holds back a laugh as he taps his older brother's back, shaking his own head.

"Sorry buddy...can't win them all."

Eric glares at his brother, silently threatening him as I cross my arms. I laugh a little as I point towards the smaller boy, cocking my head in question.

"Aren't you the kid who left straightening cream on your head for over forty minutes?"

Cory looks at me in shocked offense as both Eric and Mr. Matthews laugh, the latter more subtle than his son. Eric nods, looking towards the ceiling with a content look.

"Oh...I remember that..."

Mrs. Matthews steps forward, hiding her enjoyment the best as she speaks to me directly. I smile at her, giving my full attention as she stands right in front of me.

"How about dinner this Saturday? It'll be the weekend before school and perfect for us all to enjoy a healthy home cooked meal..."

"Sounds great! I'll have Shawn tell me what time."

As if on command, my brother appears with his bag and jacket in hand. I smile at him as soon as he meets my eyes. He walks towards me, allowing me to sling my arm over his shoulders.

"Did you get everything?"


He nods as I look towards the Matthews, my smile staying intact. I nod towards the two parents, directing my words to them as I speak.

"Thanks again for your hospitality. I'll be sure to bring something to dinner for Saturday."

"No trouble..."

"I insist!'s the least I can do since you've helped Shawn as much as you have."

Mrs. Matthews finally nods, stepping back to allow us to walk towards the door. I wave bye as Shawn does the same. Cory's voice stops us as I open the door, his eyes looking at his best friend.

"Shawn! We still on for tomorrow?"

He looks towards me as I nod, not seeing an issue.

"Sure! I'll call."

Stacy Hunter -BMWWhere stories live. Discover now