Ch. 19: Timebomb

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"There's a party this weekend? For the seventh graders?"



I'm driving to school, Shawn in the passenger seat as he tells me about this party all the younger kids are going to. Apart from my lack of judgment with one of the male models, I never had any of these experiences when I was their age.

"Tracy said that they'll be playing Seven minutes in heaven! I can't wait!"

"Don't forget what I told you, Shawn..."

"I know. I know. Consent and respect are always a necessity..."


"Don't force it, I know!"

I nod, pulling into a parking spot. He immediately hops out, rushing towards the school as I roll my eyes. I grab my stuff and hop out, locking the car behind me before moving towards the entrance to what some may call 'Hell'.


I'm so happy I packed a lunch today...

I walk into the small cafeteria, sitting at an empty table far away from where I normally sit. The girls are on that trip and a group of freshmen decided to take up my spot. I pull out my copy of The Handmaid's Tale, opening it up to where I left off while pulling out my baggy of baby carrots.

I get through a page before I hear someone clear their throat above me. I glance up, seeing an awkward looking Natalie. She clears her throat again before sighing out.

"Can I sit here?"


"I would sit anywhere else but we're the only ones from our classes here today."

"Sure, I guess..."

I clear my throat, looking down at my book again as she sits down. She immediately starts to open her apple juice as I eat another carrot. An awkward silence fills the table as she drinks her juice. She rescrews the top, grabbing up her silverware to eat her beanie-weeny casserole.

"So..." I look up, meeting her eyes as she sighs out. "Cheer is postponed this week..."

"Yeah. I's because half the squad is in Vermont."

I see Eric walk in across the cafeteria, exhaling a little at the idea of not sitting alone with the mean girl of the school. He walks by Cory and Shawn, moving towards the vending machine while muttering something to his brother. Whatever he said did the job, because next thing I know Cory is yelling across the room at his older brother.

"Nobody's talking to you!"

"Just trying to help!"

I roll my eyes, looking back down at my book. I start to read, leaning on my arm until I hear Cory yell again.


"Time bomb!"

I give Eric a look as he sits beside me, setting down a can of lemon-lime soda and a cola. He passes me the lemon-lime without even looking up. I gently take it, still eyeing him as he starts to eat.

"Why are you messing with Cory?"

"He's my brother..."

I nod, looking over towards the two boys. I shrug, opening up the can in my hand while looking back towards the boy beside me.


Natalie watches us, her eyes jumping back and forth between Eric and I both. I pull out my sandwich, closing my book and setting it aside so I don't smudge the pages. She takes a sip of her drink before nodding towards me.

Stacy Hunter -BMWKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat