Ch. 22: Turnaround

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"Who are you guys asking to the dance?"

I look at myself in my locker mirror, fixing my mascara after being sprayed with water by an annoying seventh grader. Cory thought he was so funny, but he just doesn't know who he's messing with. Sadie is leaning against the wall of lockers beside me, flipping through her grade report for this year.

"I already asked Jesse..."

"The senior?"

Stella looks at her twin in surprise while filing her nails. Samara smirks, not looking up from her sketchbook. She's flipping through her drawing from this semester, deciding which one to send in for a last minute grade.


"And? What did he say?"

"Well..." she draws it out, making me eye her over my shoulder. "he said yes..."

"He did!"

I roll my eyes, a huge smile on my face as I fix the last bit of my makeup. I already changed into my spare clothes and my hair didn't get that wet. Before the questions can roll in, this isn't my first rodeo, okay?

Shawn and I have had prank wars before and my clothes were always the main victims....

"What about you?"

"I haven't asked anyone yet...." Stella looks over, a smile on her face as she sees someone. "But I will right now."

She fixes her hair, fluffing up her gorgeous curls before fixing her sweater and skirt. I share a look with Samara nodding. She smiles, reaching down and swatting her sister's butt.

"Go get 'em, Tiger..."

She nods, taking a deep breath before throwing on her best smile. Samara and I move back so we're both leaning on Sadie's shoulders. All three of us watch as she walks up to a familiar face.

"She's asking Jason?"

"Yeah. I'm not surprised...they've been studying together a lot lately...."

"I think they're cute together!"

We both look at Sadie, smiles on our faces as we silently agree. I look back towards the scene, my smile growing as he throws an arm over her shoulders and walks away. Stella sends us a smile over her shoulder, a wink following before she looks forward again. I squeeze Sadie's arm, both of us sharing a similar look as Samara claps once.

"That's what I'm talking about! That's my sister! It's that 'Sloan' in her!

I push her, laughing at her interpretation of her older brother. I've met him once and that's how he acted the entire time. Sadie bursts into laughter as I lean on her. The bell rings, bringing us back to reality as we share a laugh.

"I'll see you both at lunch!"

I grab my books and utensil case out of my locker before shutting it. I wave a quick goodbye as Sadie and Samara walk off in their separate directions.


I rush to my locker, already in a hurry as I've got to be across the school before the bell rings. I've already been late to this class four times this week, I can't afford another.

As I'm switching out my books and folders, I hear three familiar voices talking behind me. I take this chance to catch my breath as I also grab my water bottle out of my bag. I take a quick drink before stuffing it back inside. This teacher is so strict that I can't even have a water in there.

"How do you get asked by a cool girl?"

I roll my eyes, sneaking a quick bite of my granola that I have stashed on my locker shelf. I know I'm wasting time, but I missed breakfast and my stomach is mad.

Stacy Hunter -BMWWhere stories live. Discover now