Ch. 10: Married

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"Okay...this class will only be happening for a few weeks." Mrs. Kennel says as she passes out papers. "Then it's back to being a free period for the upper classmen and home room for the rest of you."

Samara and I share a look, the only two in our small friend group in this class. The school counselor is at the center of the small cafeteria, a stack of papers and three bowls on a table in front of her.

"We'll pair-"

The door opens, cutting her off as a familiar male walks in with a smile. Mrs. Kennel clears her throat, crossing her arms.

"Mr. Matthews..."

"Hey, Kennel! My note..."

I roll my eyes as Eric smirks at her, holding out a slip of paper. She gives him a look, taking the paper before unfolding it and reading it over.

"I hope your ingrown toenail gets better soon, Mr. Matthews..."

I burst into laughter, Samara doing the same beside me. Eric looks down, a slightly serious look on his face as he exhales.

"Thank you, Mrs.'s very serious.."

He moves past her, smiling at me as he walks towards an empty chair. Mrs. Kennel shakes her head, sighing out while turning back to the rest of us.

"As I was saying...We'll pair you up, assign you a 'family life' and send you home with an assignment due at the end of the week, am I clear?"

A sophomore raises her hands, drawing the attention of most of the people in the room.

"Yes, Miss Jones?"

"How are you going to pair us up?"

"That's simple..." Mrs. Kennel grabs one of the bowls off the table, moving towards Samara as she continues speaking to the class. "I've put half of your names in this bowl and the other half will draw one slip...whoever they pull out, be it a male or a female, will be their partner for the week...does everyone understand?"

"Yes, Ma'am..."

Carly Jones sits back, brushing her red hair back as Mrs. Kennel holds out the bowl to Samara. Samara grabs one, opening it up and smiles. Mrs. Kennel moves the bowl towards me, making me sigh as I reach in.

"Make sure to read out the name so your partner knows where to go!"

"Mines Jesse Graham..."

I open mine, my smile dropping immediately as I see the name. Samara taps my shoulder before standing to meet her new partner. Huffing, I look back at Eric who is already smiling at me.


His smile widens as he stands, grabbing his stuff and slipping into the seat Samara just occupied. Mrs. Kennel finishes with the last pair before moving to grab the next bowl.

"Okay...this one is careers. Whatever you get, you must research and find out exactly how much you could make in your line of work, what your combined income would be, and how long it would take you both to all will draw one here."

She walks around the room, allowing everyone to grab a slip of paper out of the green bowl. When she gets to me, I sigh, reaching in and grabbing one off the top. Eric grabs one next, smirking at me as we both move to read ours.

"I got Surg-eon.."

"Good for you..."

I huff, rereading the same words with a sigh. Eric looks at me, curiosity getting the best of him as he looks over my shoulder.

Stacy Hunter -BMWWhere stories live. Discover now