Ch. 9: Street Fighter

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Three hours later, Morgan and I are watching Barney while Eric sits by the phone. He keeps checking his watch, waiting for a call as I read my assigned book from Mr. Turner. I flip the page, humming as Morgan eats a slice of apple.

"Why hasn't she called yet?"

"Maybe she came to her senses?"

I smirk, not looking up as I feel his glare. Morgan laughs, scooting closer to me as she yawns. I continue reading, humming as I take in the words on the page. Eric huffs, standing and walking into the kitchen.

"Can I have ice cream?"

I look at Morgan, seeing her adorable face looking up at me as I laugh. I shake my head, going back to reading as she leans closer.

"Is that a yes?"

"'s an 'I think you've had enough sugar in the last hour and I don't want to upset your parents' your show, it's almost bedtime..."

"But I'm not tired!"

"Then why have you been yawning so much?"

"I'm bored."

I shake my head, my laughter coming back as she huffs beside me. She crosses her arms, going back to watching Barney right as the phone rings. Eric rushes in, grabbing the phone immediately.

"Hey...Cindy...are you ready for me to pick you up?"

I try my best to ignore him as he smiles while talking into the phone beside me. I do, however, look up when I hear him speak again.

"What? You changed your mind?" His face drops, making me look back down at my book. "But why? Cindy? Cin-"

He huffs, slamming the receiver down before plopping down on the couch. He rubs his face, leaning back as I sigh. I shut the book, turning towards him as he sighs out again.

"What's wrong, lover-boy?"

"She bailed..."

"You wanna talk about it?"

I don't actually care about his troubles, but I'm bored myself and don't want to go home to an empty house just yet.

"Apparently she found a senior with a mustang...decided to go out with him instead."

"That sucks...better luck next time I guess."

I open my book again, continuing where I left off. Eric doesn't seem to take the hint as he continues to speak, keeping his eyes on the ceiling above.

"It's just...I thought I could have something special with this one, you know? We had a lot in common..."

I sigh, looking back at him with a huff. I've heard him say something similar about his date from last week, I think her name was Denise or something...

"Like what?"

"We both pizza..."

"How romantic."

I go back to reading, my face neutral as Morgan shushes us. Eric keeps going, ignoring us both as he feels nothing but self pity.

"I mean...her eyes were the softest shade of brown. Like they could wrap you up in a nice, warm blanket and keep you safe and warm...and her hair, oh her hair..."

I huff, looking up as I slam the book shut again. I set it down on the table beside me before turning to the heartbroken boy.

"Are you done?"


"Are you done feeling sorry for yourself?"

Eric scoffs, moving to stand up as I sigh. I follow him into the kitchen, my arms crossed and my face slightly softer.

Stacy Hunter -BMWWhere stories live. Discover now