Ch. 7: Pen is Mightier

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"He'll see you now."

I stand, holding the ice pack to my hand as I step into the office. I sit down, clearing my throat as the chair across from me turns around.

"Miss Hunter...when I said I missed you, this is not what I ment..."

"Mr. Feeny..." I exhale a little, slightly happy with it being someone who knows me. "I'm so sorry....she was saying things about one of my old friends and-"

"Miss Bice has already been taken care of...she will have the proper punishment for her actions. Now...let's talk about yours..." Mr. Feeny sighs, fiddling with his pen while meeting my eyes. "You know violence is never the answer..."

"I know..."

"And you can't blame it on your anger..."

I nod as I look back down at my hands. Mr. Feeny sighs, looking down at his own before clicking his pen.

"'The pen is mightier than the sword...' do you happen to remember the rest of that famous quote, Miss Hunter?"

"'Take away the sword...States can be saved without it...'"

"Very good, Miss Hunter..."

I meet his eyes, my fear and disappointment in myself clearly showing.

"Are you going to expel me?"

"No, Miss Hunter..." I exhale, looking down as he continues. "But I will be giving you detention. For the rest of the week."

I smile, looking up towards Mr. Feeny as the weight is lifted off me.

"Thank you, Mr. Feeny..."

"Don't thank me too much."

He nods for me to go, making me stand with my head still low. I turn to open the door, clearing my throat as I reach for the door nob.

"Miss Hunter..." I stop, turning to look back at Mr. Feeny as he once again holds his pen up. "Maybe next time you feel the need for a battle, use your words instead of your might end better for you."

"Yes Sir..."

"Have a good day, Miss Hunter."

"You as well, Mr. Feeny..."

I nod, opening the door and walking out with my head high.


"You Punched Natalie Bice?!?"

I'm stopped in the hall by Shawn, his shock clear on his face as I exhale.I'm heading to my last class before lunch, my hand wrapped up and my bag over my shoulder.

"She's like...the coolest girl in the school!"

"I really don't want to talk about it right now, Shawn. I have to get to class..."

"But you always say that it's not right to fight! And yet-"

"Shawn! I don't want to fucking talk about it right now! We'll talk later!"

I go to walk away before he speaks again, stopping me with one sentence.

"Cory's gonna get smeared all over the senior bathroom at the end of you think you could help him?"


"He upset Harley Keiner, the school him detention or something..."

"Of course he did..."

I roll my eyes, huffing while looking at my brother.

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