Ch. 34: Jobs and Careers

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"Do you have everything?"

"Yeah..." I yawn as we sit on the plane. "It's kinda late to ask that isn't it?"

"I'm just making sure."

I look at her, my eyes scanning the plane before looking back at the older brunette. She's shuffling through papers from my portfolio.

"Did you do what I asked?"

"Yes. I did." She sighs, looking up at me. "Will you tell me why now?"

I reach under my seat, pulling up my messenger bag. I pull out a folder, one I've kept on me since I found out myself. Opening it up, I pull out recent bank statements.

"I found both of these in the trailer."

She takes them, looking them over. She flips towards the next page, her brows drawing together.

"These are two separate accounts....what does this have to do with Virna and Chet not having access to your accounts anymore?"

"This one is from the last few months of my accounts. If you look, I have over five hundred disappearing every month. It wouldn't be that big of a deal if I didn't find this while doing laundry...."

I grab the other paper holding the information from the other account.

"This is a new account in Virna's name. She's been depositing five hundred exactly into this account for the last six months."

"Damnit. Kid....I'm so sorry."

"Chet has also been...acting weird so I didn't want to risk it anymore than I already did. That money isn't just mine, but it's my main way of taking care of Shawn. They're taking from him and that's what really bothers me."

"Well...don't worry anymore. They're taken off the account and I canceled both of their cards. The only ones who can get into your accounts now are you and me."


I sigh, relaxing against the uncomfortable seat. I put the folder back up before grabbing my blanket. We still have a few hours left until we land.

"I'm going to sleep."

"Sounds good kid."


"That was amazing!"

I smile, brushing my hair back as I stand in front of the casting director and producer. The casting director stands, moving around the table to stand in front of me. She has a giant smile on her face.

"You're perfect for this part! I can see it!"

"Thank you..."

" we'll have you here by this time tomorrow. You'll meet the other cast members and crew. We'll start developing your character and then you'll be ready for-"

My phone starts ringing, making us all jump from the sudden noise. I just got it last week when I was packing for this trip. I glance down at it, debating on if I should answer that or not.

It stops ringing, making me sigh before giving the producer and casting director an awkward smile. It immediately starts ringing again, making my smile drop.


"Go ahead. It's obviously important."

I nod, pulling out my phone and opening it up. I hit the answer button as soon as I get a few feet away from the table. I step out into the hall, clearing my throat.




"It's me, Cory..."

Stacy Hunter -BMWWhere stories live. Discover now