Ch. 11: ...With Children

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"Did you here about this financial project the whole schools doing?"

I look at Shawn, giving him a look. We're eating dinner at Chubbies, both of us eating burgers and fries. Shawn sticks a fry into his mouth, reaching for his drink immediately.

"Yes...I have."

"I'm paired up with Cory and Tapanga...we have to find out about jobs and what they pay or something."

" least you don't have to pretend to be married with children and find out how well your joint income can sustain you and your family..."

"Who did you get paired up with?"

"Hey Wifey...."

I roll my eyes as Eric slips into the booth beside me. His arm is slipped behind my neck, resting against the back of the booth bench. Shawn looks between us, finding the amusement in the situation across from him.

"Quit calling me that..." I brush off his arm, leaning forward te reach for my lemon-lime soda pop. "It's just a project, Eric...I'm not your actual wife."

Eric fakes a hurt expression, covering his chest while looking at me. My eyes roll again as I eat a fry.

"I'm hurt. What am I supposed to tell EJ, SJ, and little Timmy?"

"They don't exist!"

Eric gasps, looking at me in shock while Shawn holds back a laugh. I huff, sticking another fry into my mouth as someone sits beside Shawn across from me.

"I need your help..."

"What's wrong, Sadie?"

Sadie nervously rubs a hand through her straight blonde hair, glancing towards the stairs that leads towards the entrance to Chubbie's. Shawn gives her a wink that she does doesn't notice, to busy fidgeting with the sleeves to her shirt.

"I just..."

She look's between Shawn and Eric, making me sigh before standing up. I gently grab her arm, pulling her up while giving the two boys a look.

"If any of my food is missing when I get back, I will castrate whoever took it. Got it?"

They nod, watching me as I lead Sadie over to a secluded corner where we can talk. She bites at her nails, her eyes constantly scanning the room as I exhale.

"What is it, Sadie?"

"Natalie is supposed to meet me her and I...I'm scared! What if she's rude and calls me names the whole time? Or she does something to humiliate me?"

She starts to breath heavy, pacing back and forth while biting her nails. I sigh, stepping in front of her to try and stop her.

"Sadie...Sadie...calm down, okay?"

She meets my eyes, her's looking eerily like a deer caught in headlights. I offer a calm smile, rubbing her shoulders while taking calming breaths. She follows my breathing, nodding as my smile widens.

" What time is she supposed to be here?"


"Okay...go sit with my brother and Eric...Order some food..calm down and relax, okay?"

"Relax? How can I relax?!"

"Just do it!" She nods, looking down as I smile at her. "I'm going over to that pay phone and I'm gonna call Samara and Stella...I'm going to ask them to bring their partners here and we'll all study together, okay?"


"Do you feel better?"

"A little..."

"Good. Now go before Eric eats all of my fries..."

Stacy Hunter -BMWWhere stories live. Discover now