Ch. 40: Tea

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I get to the Matthews house after dark, way after dark. Most of the lights are off and all the cars and bikes are in the driveway or on the front steps. I park, turning my car off before grabbing my stuff and hopping out. I lock it up before silently walking towards the backyard. The kitchen light is on and I can see both Mr. and Mrs. Matthews up and sipping on some mugs.

I take another deep breath before continuing towards the door. I gently open the door, stepping inside with a small smile. They both look up towards me as I softly shut the door behind me.

"Sorry I'm so late..."

They share a look before Mr. Matthews stands. He kisses his wife's cheek before nodding towards me. Mrs. Matthews smiles up at him as he squeezes her shoulders before turning. I watch him go up the stairs before meeting Mrs. Matthews eyes. She nods towards the chair her husband was just occupying, a smile on her lips.

"Come have a seat, sweetie."

I clear my throat, stepping forward and taking the chair. My anxiousness threatens to break free as she stands. She walks over to the stove, refilling her mug with what looks like tea. Her eyes move to me as she grabs another mug.

"You want some? It's some of my favorite herbal tea and it usually helps me relax and unwind from a stressful day. It sometimes even helps me sleep."

"Sure..uh..thanks, Mrs. Matthews."

"Amy is fine. You've been calling me that for over six months and..I believe we've moved passed the formalities, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I're not mad?"

She walks back over with both mugs, setting one before me before sitting down herself. She takes a sip, watching me over the rim of the porcelain. After a second or two, she sets it back down before swallowing and looking back up to me.

"I'm not. As long as you're honest with where you've been. It's the least I can know considering it's after midnight. Don't you think?"

I nod, clearing my throat before reaching for my own mug. I take my own quick sip, savoring the taste that reminds me of Vivian. She loves this tea as well, making sure to pack any when we go anywhere. It's the only thing that helps her sleep.

"Uh..well..I drove around for a bit after leaving here. I ended up at an old park that I used to take Shawn too before I left and reminisced. When I was there, I ran into..someone..."

"This someone wouldn't be a boy would it?"

I try to fight my smile, memories of the last five hours coming to mind. Mrs. Matthews hums, taking another sip of her tea. She seems to have a smile on her face as she keeps her voice low.

"Tell me about him. What's his name?"

"Sebastian and he's a junior..."

"An older man, huh?"

"I guess.."

""What else can you tell me about him?"

I sigh, thinking back to everything we did tonight. I learned a lot about him and his past, mainly his hobbies and his family. I smile as my head drops, my fingers fiddling with the sleeves of the jacket on me. His jacket actually.

"Well...he's an artist. Mainly sketching."

"An artist, huh? Very good choice if you ask me..."

"Yeah. I don't think I've ever seen him without his sketchbook. He's tall, cute, and seems to know me better than I previously thought. His grandparents are from Italy and he knows Italian and how to cook. We went to his father's restaurant for dinner then walked around talking all night."

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