Ch. 24: Christmas Eve

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"One more! One more!"

I smile, pushing my hair up to get the perfect shot. I've been working none stop for the last three days, going from city to city and I'm getting worn out. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and Vivian promised me the chance to go home and spend it with Shawn. I know he'll be at the Matthews, but I still want to see him.

And I don't want to show up empty handed and still need to go Christmas shopping...


I immediately drop my smile as I grab my robe. A bikini shoot in December boggles me, but the money usually pays pretty well. Vivian only books these types of shoots if she knows the photographer and the people running the shoot. Plus this is for a really popular swimsuit catalog so I'm beyond thrilled to do it.

" have two auditions the 26th..I'll come pick you up late the night before..A shoot the day after, and a comical to film the two days after that. New Years we have a party we're going to, and then it's back to photo shoots before sending you home on the 3rd!"

"What about tomorrow? When can I go home for Christmas?"

"Tomorrow morning..."

"What about Christmas shopping? I can't show up empty handed!"

"Don't worry. It's just after three...they only need a few more shots and then we can go hit up our favorite stores! We're in LA, Baby! We never get to shop here!"

I offer a smile as the costume director comes towards me with two other bikinis. I allow her to drag me away to change.


"And that's a wrap!"

I sigh, immediately grabbing my robe again while moving towards the dressing room that has my stuff. Vivian follows, talking on her phone to someone who's definitely making her mad.

"I don't give a shit if it's late or not! Don't give me a sad sap story and expect me to put my life on hold so you can make a quick buck! Send the damn bill!?!"

I give her a look, stepping behind the screen to change into my normal clothes. It's two hours later and I'm famished. I hang the bikini back on its hanger before stepping out with just my bag. Vivian hangs up, grunting as she turns to me.

"Sorry about sister can be annoying."

I laugh, shaking my head as she cracks a smile as well. We begin to walk towards the exit, both of us beyond tired as we pass the crew packing up to leave as well.

"You want sushi for dinner? That one place you really like?"

"Yeah...can we go shopping after?"

"Didn't I already say we would?"

She gives me a look, making me laugh. She wraps her arms around me, a smile on her own face as we leave the building.


"Okay...what did you get?"

We're in the hotel room three hours later, bags littering our beds from our shopping spree. I smile, grabbing out the wrapping paper and string. My favorite part of the holidays has always been wrapping Shawn and I's presents. When we were really young, Virna would be working all the time and Chet would be too drunk to notice the date. I'd sneak his money, rush off to the mall to get us something to open on Christmas Day.

"I got Shawn a few gifts...mainly one that will go in this." I hold up a decorative card, a really fat Santa on the cover. "That will also work as a gift for Cory...I actually got them weeks ago but I can still wrap it up because they're in there."

Stacy Hunter -BMWWhere stories live. Discover now