Ch. 18: Impending Doom

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I sigh, looking at the paper once again. Natalie lives a block away, making me huff as I pull onto her street. I already dropped the girls off and now onto the list Demi gave me. It's just Natalie who is a junior in the grade above me, a sophomore in the same grade as me, and two freshmen.

I pull up to the fenced in duplex, putting my car in park as I move to shut off the engine. I take off my seatbelt, grabbing my keys before opening the door. As I'm rounding the front of my car, the front door flies open as the sound of glass braking fills the air. Shouting and cursing make me stop, looking up as an angry Natalie storms out of the right side of the duplex.

"This is why dad left!?!"

"No! He left because of your worthless ass!?!?!"

I gulp, stepping back as more glass breaks. I see a plate shatter, making me jump as Natalie slams the door. She looks up, stopping as soon as she sees me.

"Of course it's you..."

She continues past me, slamming the gate shut as I exhale. I rush back towards the drivers side, hopping in with a gulp before starting up the engine. I immediately put on my seat belt, gasping as I see blood.

"You're bleeding..."


Natalie looks at her arm, seeing a small shard of glass sticking out of her arm. I gulp as I dig in the backseat for my first aid kit. She pulls out the glass, grimacing as I grab alcohol wipes and a bandage out.


I clean here wound, not looking up. It's not that bad as it first seemed, the cut smaller and not as deep as it looked. I stick the bandage on, using another wipe to clean my hands before putting the car into drive.

I can feel Natalie glance towards me, an awkward silence filling the cab. I clear my throat, making a turn as I head towards the next name on the list. I see her look down fiddling with the seem of her shirt.

"I guess you think I'm a piece of work, huh?"

I clear my throat, deciding to stay quiet as we stop at a stop sign. She decides to keep talking, staring out the window with her arms now crossed.

"I'm a bitch to people at school and come home to plates flying and the same insults I throw out at school...."

"Does that happen a lot?"

"Why? Do you actually care or are you going to run to your perfect friends and perfect life and tell them how much my life actually sucks?"

"I'm not like that."

"Then why ask?"

I sigh, pulling to a stop in a random parking lot before turning and looking at Natalie.

"My dad likes to drink..."


"When I was young, he would drink too much...he would get loud, break things, and even get physical. Thankfully...he doesn't drink the way he used too and that my brother doesn't remember when he did, but that doesn't change the fact that I went through what I did. I ask not for information to use against you, or because I feel sorry for you.."

"Then why?"

"Because no one should hear that from anyone....that's one of the reasons I punched you when we met.."

"I'm sorry for that, by the way...I guess..I don't know why I act like that..."

"Then why do you continue to?"

"I don't know..." Natalie looks down, eyeing her bandaged arm while letting out a sigh. "I guess I hear enough about me being worthless that I started thinking it myself..."

Stacy Hunter -BMWWhere stories live. Discover now