Ch. 13: Cheer Conundrum

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"Okay...Stacy's the lightest of you she'll be tossed."

"Of course..."

I glare at Natalie, my arms crossed as the twins stand on either side of me. The game is in ten minutes but Demi decided to try and teach us how to do a bit of the routine while we wait. Sadie is by Samara, her arms covering her stomach as she watches the other girls behind Demi.

"Bice. If you have the attitude then you're out...I have plenty of time to find a replacement for next Thursday."

Natalie goes quiet, huffing to herself as Demi moves on. The girls and I pay attention m, deciding to do what Demi says so she doesn't have a stroke over all of this.


"And here comes the people you came for! The players of the night! Theeee.....John Adams Patriats!"

We cheer as the basketball team runs out, dribbling the balls and shooting hoops while practicing. I see Eric and Jason dressed in their sweats and team jackets, talking while passing a ball back and forth.

I look away, turning towards Samara beside me as she rolls her eyes. I feel eyes on me as we start to do our own stretches. Before I know it, someone slings their arm over my shoulder while someone else stands beside Stella who's beside her twin.

"Hey, Stacy! I didn't know you were a cheerleader?"

"I'm just a stand in, Eric..."

I smile, shaking his arm off while crossing my own. Stella does something similar to Jason, sharing a look with me as we both wait for the game to start. Demi sees the two players, a glare forming on her face as she steps up.

"Shouldn't you both be warming up? You we don't lose this week?"


The two sophomore boys rush back out on to the court, goofy smiles on their faces as they check out a few of the cheerleaders on the opposing team. I roll my eyes, moving to get into formation as Demi begins a countdown of a cheer.


We ended up losing anyways, the score being 35-23. Eric did score a few points, but not as many as the pretty boy from the Sunnydale Rams. I guess there was an upside though. We successfully did a pyramid and basket toss during halftime, my smile wide as I was tossed up.

"Hey, Stacy!"

I stop, turning to see Demi walking towards me with her two sisters behind her. Stella and Samara both smile at me, the latter beyond ready to get home.


"You did good tonight! If you want a permanent spot on the squad, let me know...we could use you."

She waves, continuing towards the exit as I smile. Shawn walks up, a bag of popcorn and a soda in his hands. Cory right beside him as they both stop beside me.

"Why are you so happy?"

"I just got offered a permanent spot on the cheerleading team..."

"That's great!"


My smile slowly drops, a sigh escaping my lips as I sling my backpack over my shoulders. Shawn and Cory share a look, the former nudging me in my side.

"Isn't it good?"

"Yes! It is! It's just...I have to work to often to even make all the games and practices. I can't give that up for a high school program..."

"'ve always wanted to be on the cheer squad! I remember you practicing all the time before you broke your arm that one time!"

"I know..." I sigh, opening the exit door as the two boys follow me. "But that doesn't change the fact that I have responsibilities!"

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