Ch. 41: Sades

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Three weeks have passed since my dad ran off. Shawn has been acting out, making it harder for me to make things up for the Matthews. Eric has been acting weird still, and Cory and Mr. and Mrs. Matthews have been getting antsy.

The only smooth sailing in my life seems to be school and tutoring. With SATs at the end of the week, I've been having to help Sadie and a few others study in order to pass. The girls have been supportive of everything and really comforting when I needed them. Even Natalie, who calls when she has free time.

"Hey, sweetie. I got your brother a jacket and patched a pair of his jeans. Do you think he'll like it? I figured he could use some more clothes considering you could only get him a few outfits and-"

"Thank you, Mrs. Matthews. I really appreciate it, but..uhm.."


"I don't think Shawn will. He's very..particular about what he wears. Especially jackets."

"Right. Well..."

"But I've been needing a new jacket! Can I see it?"

I send the best smile I can, trying my best to show how much I actually do appreciate what she's been doing. She smiles, pulling out a bright yellow jacket. I gasp, playing it off more as I grab it from her. The size should fit me almost perfectly, maybe a little bigger than my preferred size.

"I love this color! And it's so soft...I'll wear it today even."

I slip it on over my outfit, smiling as she pulls out a pair of patched up jeans with an 's' over some of the holes. I immediately know that he won't like the change, but I also know Mrs. Matthews did this out of kindness and motherly love.

"Do you think he'll like it?"

"If he doesn't, I'll give him a reason too. Thank you, Mrs. Matthews. I can see that you are just trying to make everything easier around here for us means a lot."

"It's Amy. And I know, Sweetie. You say that every day." She smiles, moving to put the jeans back up in the bag before looking back up towards me. "How has things been going with the artist?"

"Good, I guess. He's taking me out again tonight. What time do you want me back? I don't want to break curfew again..."

"Nine or ten. If everyone's sleeping, just come in the front door and go to sleep yourself. Just stay safe and be safe and we won't have a problem, okay?"

"Definitely. Do you want help carrying those bags into the kitchen?"

"No, sweetie. What time do you need to go in today?"

"Uh..." I look down at my wrist watch, gasping before grabbing my school bag and gym duffel. "Five minutes ago! I have to go! Can you make sure Shawn gets to school on time, please?"

"Of course, sweetie. Go have fun!"

"If that's possible...bye!"

I rush out the front door, waving behind me as the door closes. Sadie I already waiting by my car as I run across the yard towards it. I give her a look as I unlock the car, hopping in. I toss my bags in the back as she gets in the passenger seat.

"Were you waiting long?"

"No. Just a minute or so. You gonna tutor Simon this morning? Or Reggie?"

"Steve, actually. The other two are after school. It's a good thing they're paying this time or I would be bankrupt by now. Shawn's been trouble since my dad ran off."

I sigh as I start to drive, going just a few decimals above the speed limit. Sadie buckles up before reaching for the radio. 'She talks to Angels' by the black Crows starts to fill the car, both of us singing or humming along.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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