Chapter 9

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Seeing the expressions of the two, Sun Yue remembered that her so-called "it was true" had indeed almost killed Tang Yuebo. After a pause, she explained with a little confidence: "What I said It’s not this... What I’m talking about is that at the very beginning, I accidentally broke a classmate’s toner in our dormitory. She said that it was given to her by her partner, and she couldn’t buy it in China. She must be compensated exactly the same within a month, otherwise we will just wait and see.”

She looked at Tang Yuebo and said eagerly: "I really had no choice, so I bought this talisman to give it a try, and it actually worked. So, I got obsessed and made another wish... Actually, I I didn’t want you to die, I just made a wish to get a place to study abroad, really, you believe me!”

Luo Yingbai's heart moved: "So your first wish is that your roommate will stop making things difficult for you? What happened? What was the result?"

Sun Yue remained silent.

Luo Yingbai smiled and said, "The police station is open 24 hours a day."

Sun Yue took a deep breath: "A person in our dormitory suddenly testified that the toner was broken in my lower bunk, and it had nothing to do with this matter is over."

Luo Yingbai suddenly discovered a commonality.

Sun Yue's two wishes were actually achieved through the same method - substitution.

One is that her lower bunk will bear the consequences of breaking the toner instead of her, and the other is that she wants to replace Tang Yuebo to enjoy the treatment of studying abroad. If you say this, it is actually a matter of luck exchange in metaphysics.

Luo Yingbai remembered that there was a record in the "Buddha Says the Big Dipper and the Prolonging of Life" that the Big Dipper is the god in charge of luck, and the scope of control is divided according to the birth date. Ming Tanlang Xingjun, he can do this.

But... it's obvious that a dignified Xingjun will never be so inconsiderate.

Luo Yingbai said: "Show me that magic talisman."

Sun Yue carefully handed the thing to him and warned: "Don't break it. The biggest taboo when using this to make a wish is to break the talisman, otherwise you will be punished..."

When he saw Luo Yingbai's movements, the last two words froze on his lips.

Luo Yingbai Shiran clapped his hands, threw the broken talisman on the ground, and said with a smile: "Then let him come."


He asked Tang Yuebo: "What she said just now has been recorded. Do you want to call the police?"

Tang Yuebo was stunned by the scene in front of him, and said in a daze, "Report, report? She has already broken the law... But how should I report such a case? I told the police that someone cursed me, and I Will you be arrested for propagating feudal superstition first?"

Luo Yingbai said: "The police who came here today have already known the situation in advance, and they will definitely not think that you are talking nonsense...Then, I will leave the call to you, and I will leave."

"Wait a moment!"

Sun Yue, who was left alone, suddenly woke up, "Didn't you just tell me not to call the police?!"

Luo Yingbai smiled, pinched his throat, and imitated Sun Yue's tone in a low voice: "I really have no choice. I didn't mean to lie to you. You believe me, what I said is true. We will call the police to arrest you." , it's all for your own good!"

Sun Yue: "..."

Luo Yingbai walked out of the cake shop leisurely. Since it was Tang Yuebo's cause and effect, even if he didn't want to, the final thing could only be done by him.

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